CBD oil cures dogs seizures

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42 responses to “CBD oil cures dogs seizures”

  1. My 7yrs old American Staffy/Pit mix started having seizures in September. First 3-weeks apart and last one 2 weeks. Started him on daily CBD oil. I was crying because it took him 5-hours to recognize me. After blood work, the vet referred him to get an MRI. Estimate cost for MRI $2-$4k 🤦🏻‍♀️😳😬 A vet neurologist in Mexico quoted me $500. UGH! I’m going to the US VET neurologist consultation visit BUT I’m on the fence to drop $2k with potentially not getting a real result! ANY ONE OUT THERE W/ experience

  2. My lil dog was having seizures everyday and now she hasn’t had one in a month since I’ve given her cbd oil and I just thank Jesus for this medicine I’m so happy she’s living a better life now 💖😭

  3. My 12 year old dobe years ago got wobblers & only lasted 2 weeks, I don't even want to imagine the pain my boy was in. Wish I could have tried this, god it was years ago but still very fresh in my memory.
    I'm glad this medicine is being recognised for what it is, only wish people didn't fear it so much. Hell the legal drugs are the ones that need banning.

  4. This video got me thinking. The tincture's absorption must have been very rapid even though the route of administration was orally. I wonder if it works as quickly for humans?

  5. Happy for people like you. Had a gun pressed against my head twice for the same thing some people can walk into a store and buy.. been to jail over 35x, too.. been threatened & beaten up by the cops too many times to count, too.. got sober to keep my kid, too.. hope it stays that way.. 💯💚✌🏻It’s tough as hell.. We’re nowhere near equal.. Y’all’s pets have better lives than me in MS.. 😔🙏🏻

  6. My dog had his first seizure the day before New Years 2020 . I started CBD right away even thought the doctor thought that since it was his first seizure no meds were necessary. I gave him CBD for two weeks and then stopped bc I thought may be it was a single incident , 3 day later he had another seizure so I started him on CBD again and no seizure for over 3 weeks . Dr recommended some medicine that will cause more damage than benefit . Thank God for CBD

  7. My dogs friend ended up having to have wheels for his back legs towards the end of his life. He came over for a play date and I had to carry him up the stairs, down the stairs to our back yard. Well his mom started CBD oil on him and I kid you not 2 1/2 weeks later he didn’t need his wheels and he was up and down those stairs like a champ. I became a firm believer! Him and my dog are Boston Terriers and they are known for their bad knees. Mine has the luxating patellas, he’s had the surgery, but is now 11 and is feeling his age. We give him VET PET CBD 20:1 CBD:THC. Today he had his first seizure in which he fell. He came out and shakey, just like your pup and I gave him his Dailey dose plus .01 extra. He’s chilling now and not shaking. Firm believer in CBD! Chunk loves taken his, I think he knows it helps and I like to think it helped his best friend Coach ( rip. Old age ) they were hilarious together. Your pup is darling and lucky to have you.

  8. Medication for my dog don't seem to help as much anymore. She gets seizures up to 8 times per month vs 1 or 2 a few years back. If she gets one seizure I now know it will follow with another one within a few hrs or a day, usually 3 or 4 more. The vet dosed up her med and added another and it made it worse so I discontinued given her the added medication. She is a normal happy dog when she is ok. Usually her attacks happen during the middle of the night when I am having a good sleep and BOOM you can find me cleaning and disinfecting the floors where she pees, poops, and drools and I follow up with bathing her because she has rolled all over her pee or feces.

  9. Wow! That was practically instant! The medical people have to start taking cannabis oil seriously. I have been giving it to my dog after a head injury has been causing small seizures, and its better than giving some medications with horrible side effects. I think going natural is the best option, and cbd oil is totally natural.

  10. I’m so sad that it didn’t work for my boy. I think it blocked his meds cause he had more seizures with it. I’m heartbroken it didn’t work. I only use it to bring him out of one but it doesn’t prevent them in him.

  11. Hi, there I’m happy for ur fur baby doing well after taking this cod oil.I have a chihuahua suffered seizures as well. And now I start to give her CBd oil 300mg 50ml. And like I gave her twice a day, total 7mg. But she still seizures every 6 hours. Do u have any advise about how often and how much I should give to my dog this cbd oil?

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