36 responses to “Effect of Marijuana on Thought & Memory | Marijuana”

  1. Once when I was high and I randomly had a Vision that felt familiar, it was of me falling and in a store. My mom told me when I was 15 months old she slipped with me in a Safeway. TuhweekER

  2. So I use every day and i feel like it makes me dumber i feel like I can’t think and just focus if I’m trying to think before a test I could just forget everything I just studied for 10 mins

  3. Trust me, it affect your short term memory. Ive worked with several weed smokers aswell as had close relationships with weed smokers. I noticed one thing with all of them. They all had bad short term memory issues. To the point that, while having a conversation with them, they would literally forget what they where saying acouple of second later after starting the coversation them selfs. All of them have bad memory issues. Period.

  4. I am a student from University of Maryland College Park. I am working on a project proving the adverse effects of marijuana. I need the statistical data related to your video on it. Please help me and my teammates with that.
    The required format is .csv or excel file. Please help us as we can not do the statistics without your help.
    Thank you for your time.
    I hope to receive your help

  5. Personally I've noticed with my use (about a year consistently) that my short term memory has weakened, but strangely old memories that i forgot about for a long time have surfaced. 1 step backwards 2 steps back, don't regret a damn thing! 😀

  6. 100% of the people saying negative things about pot are on some sort of perscription or non medication doing more harm to your body than pot such as tylanol the number one cause of liver disease in america

  7. Okay so if you do something like 5 hours before doing any marijuana and getting really ducking high on marijuana. Could you forget what you did just before smoking pot?

  8. One study among postal workers found that employees who tested positive for marijuana on a pre-employment urine drug test had 55 percent more industrial accidents, 85 percent more injuries, and 75 percent greater absenteeism compared with those who tested negative for marijuana use.

    Marijuana contains 421 chemicals but the main mind – altering chemical in marijuana is delta-9-tetrahydrocannabinon or THC. The intensity of THC content in marijuana after the cultivation phase ranges from less than 1% to more the 30 %. The higher end of this range has been increasing dramatically making it more potent and addictive in nature. The brain parts which are most affected includes those that impacts thinking, memory, concentration, time perception and sensory and coordinated movement. Chronic marijuana use has found to have strong association with increased rate of anxiety, depression and schizophrenia. Even the high doses of marijuana can result in an acute psychotic reaction.

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