After being asked a few times about CBD on ADHD, I looked into studies that have been done on the topic, to see if CBD is effective for ADHD. CBD on ADHD …
Hi, what a great forum. I'd like to request a prayer for Rick Simpson who have cured my Wife have lung cancer. He was diagnosed about 2 year ago, beat it once and then a few months later it came back in his brain. We have been doing everything possibly, medication wise, and the cancer seems to be immune to chemotherapy and radiation. The doctor talks about this being his last year of life, so I feel like he has lost hope but i didn't. after several online search, I found Cannabis oil so i decided to give it a try and i ordered for it from ( ), things got better as my Wife started using the oil treatment and to God be the glory I didn't lose my lovely Wife to lungs cancer anymore. So i'm here to share this testimony to the world at large as my Wife has been saved by the Cannabis Oil. I'm so glad! Email Dr. Rick Simpson ( )>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>
I'm so happy, i never believe i will be this happy again in life, I was working as an air-hoster for 3years but early this year, i lost my job because of this deadly disease called Herpes virus (HSV), I never felt sick or have any symptom, till all workers were ask to bring their doctors report, that was how i got tested and i found out that am HSV positive that made me loose my job, because it was consider as an STD and is incurable disease, i explained to a friend of mine, who always said to me a problem share is a problem solved, that was how she directed me to Dr Abumere , that was how i contacted him and get the medication from this doctor and i got cured for real, for similar issues contact this herbal doctor via you can also WhatsApp/call +2349021975055…
❤ 한병에 170만원이라는 만만치 않은 비용도 비용이지만 실제로 구매를 위해서는 해당 질병관련 처방전 과 더이상의 대체 치료제가 없다는 담당 의사 소견서를 갖추고 <희귀 필수 의약품센터> 와 <식품안전의약처>를 통해 ●CBD오일●을 손에 쥐기까지 평균 2개월 정도 소요 됩니다.
●그 사이에 하루하루 애타는 심정의 환자분 과 그 가족분들은 지쳐서 이루 말 할수없는 고통을 감수하고 계십니다.
❤그래서 뉴스에서 보듯 음성적으로 소아간질 아이 치료 목적으로 해외에서 몰래 들여오다 마약사범으로 간주되어 검찰조사를 받기도 하고 무분별하게 해외직구를 통해서 구매하다가 적발되어 머리카락,소변 검사 까지 받는 고초를 겪었던 것입니다.
●실제로 올해 만 해도 가족치료 목적으로 해외직구를 통해서 구매하다가 적발되어 마약사범 리스트에 오른 사례가 수백건이 넘습니다.
❤드디어 국내에서 합법적으로 해외직구가 아닌 국내유일 독점 공급 유통하는 회사가 생겨났습니다. ●지난주 10월23일 국내 판매를 위해서 4000여병이 서울시 송파구 소재 유통회사에 입고 되어 현재 전국 각지에 배송중인 상황입니다. ●소비자가격은 한 병당 44만원입니다.
❤당연히 우려 하시는 환각작용 THC성분은 검출 되지않은 상태에서 부작용이 전혀없는 안전한 제품입니다. ●생후2개월부터 100세 어르신까지 섭취 하여도 부작용이 없을 정도로 안전 합니다.
❤10년 이상 병원 치료도 소용없는 난치병의 일환인 ●각종 암 관련질환,파킨슨병,알츠하이머병, 어르신 치매,중풍,소아간질,자폐증,뇌전증,분노조절, 불안,초조,우울증,공황장애,불면증 극복,당뇨,고혈압,기타 심혈관계 질환,여드름 치료,피부질환치료,지긋지긋한 척추,관절, 염증,통증완화● 등[17가지 이상의 중증 질환에 치료 효과]가 있다고 이미 WHO(세계보건기구) FDA(미국 식품의약국)에서 공식 발표 하였습니다.
❤실제로 ●CBD●섭취후 불과 5~10분 사이에 드라마틱한 효과를 보실수 있습니다. 반감기는 드시는 환자분의 증상에 따라 앓고있는 중증질환의 정도에 따라 다르지만 평균 18시간 입니다. ●2~3개월 꾸준히 섭취하시면 놀라울 정도의 분명한 치료효과가 나타납니다.
●문의 주시면 더욱 상세하게 안내해 드리겠습니다.
●본사방문시 아무런 부담없이 편하게 무료체험 하실수 있도록 도와드리겠습니다. ❤❤❤010 4675 3852❤❤❤ ❤❤CBD에 관심 가져 주셔서 감사드립니다❤❤
Friends, I have an 8 year old granddaughter that is the child of my bipolar son. Saddly she lives 900 miles away. She is being given an amphetamine for days and clonodine to sleep?! This is a neurological roller coaster! A tragedy in the making!! Talk about a drug gateway!!!! So last summer my granddaughter visited for a week. I did not give her either medication!! Instead i gave her Natures Nutrients CBD oil before getting out of bed and again before bed! On the fourth night, as I was about to give her the evening dose, my granddaughter made the following UNSOLICITED comment, "PoP PoP this has been the best part of my days and the best part of my nights"!!! I didnt need to ask my granddaughter how she was feeling from the CBD!! It was obvious!! Her and her sister got along wonderfully all week long with virtually no friction between them!!! And yes her sister used the CBD as well!! We have settled on Natures Nutrients CBD because of its absolute purity!!! Its sold as an extra virgin CBD!! Completely unadulterated!!! We used 9 other brands before finding Natures Nutrients!!! Ive done the homework because I dont want second best!!! Take advantage of my efforts!!! Their # is 410-820-7700. You folks can also listen to what Natures Nutrients did for both of my adult children on Youtube called, "Is CBD being suppressed"! PEACE!!!
I've also read that study that you mentioned but also found another one that included 53 individuals (from ages 4-22). They found out that CBD helped with the reduction in self-injury behaviours, rage attacks, hyperactivity as well as improvement in their sleep habit and anxiety problems. Of course, we cannot say that CBD is the key to "eliminate" ADHD, but with further research, there is a lot of potential. Also, I've found an article about CBD and ADHD (I hope that it's ok to share it here):
I have adhd. Cbc oil helps me with anxiety, obsession and emotional regulation, but not that much with focusing except as a byproduct of emotional regulation
i have pretty heavy adhd i bought a thc oil i take 0.5mg in the morning i smoke weed with friends and those highs are super strong but this oil i take in the morning now i feel so calm and focused like im more efficent now the type of high is very smooth no body or heavy head high. ive had adhd since i was a kid im 21 now never taken adhd meds or any meds in my life but in high school id have super strong adhd effects and often high lvls of adrenaline and anxiety when not doin anything and i felt it in my chest like i wanted to rage and i kept thinking i "fucking need drugs" it was that bad but i never smoked or got anything and my parents didint care and i suffered lol but yes im in cali its all legal smoking weed is fun but can be very heavy taking this thc oil. o.5mg in the morning im just more efficent n focused calm
There is a buzz around about CBD oil. I was suffering from a sleeping disorder. I decided to give it a shot. I ordered it from and started using it. After sometime I noticed improvement. It does work indeed. Thanks for sharing all these health benefits of Cannabis oil.
i have ADHD I BOUGHT THE 6000MG STRENGTH FROM HEAP OIL AND I BEEN ON IT FOR 3 DAYS NOW I FIND THE PAIN IN MY MY neck pain PLUS I SEEN AN IMPROVEMENT IN MY running and the pain . in my feet have samseded my sleep had improved and my anxiety calm down plus my thoughts and negative thinking has come down over all i am very happy with it i am 54 years old i seem to concentrate better at times! i have high blood pressure thats why i decided to go on cbd. i am on about 7 drops 2 or 3 times a day. i like it. i can't go on meds yet till my blood pressure comes down. but guys it works in sence i feel calm and more relaxed and my pain is not as bad.
I have ADHD and I use CBD oil. It has helped me. It is not a perfect solution to all the problems associated with ADHD. But, it has been helping me pay attention better. Lately, I have just received my Medical Marijuana Card. THC gets me a little high. So, that doesn't help with ADHD. However, even though THC doesn't help, CBD seems to be helpful for my ADHD. I do have other issues which THC helps with. Including: PTSD, Asperger's, anxiety and social anxiety. THC has helped with those issues more than it does with ADHD.
CBD does jack for ADHD. I once reheated some resin in my pipe and the weird amalgamation of whatever was in it got me going for a solid 3 hours. I never felt that way again, and I've always wondered why that worked. Anyway, CBD is good for the comedown that comes with real adhd medication.
I have a question about hyperkinetic disorder that's what I was diagnosed with is this old terminology for what is now combined ADHD or is it a more extreme type of ADHD?
CBD oil helps with ADD/ADHD quite a lot!!!
Hi, what a great forum. I'd like to request a prayer for Rick Simpson who have cured my Wife have lung cancer. He was diagnosed about 2 year ago, beat it once and then a few months later it came back in his brain. We have been doing everything possibly, medication wise, and the cancer seems to be immune to chemotherapy and radiation. The doctor talks about this being his last year of life, so I feel like he has lost hope but i didn't. after several online search, I found Cannabis oil so i decided to give it a try and i ordered for it from ( ), things got better as my Wife started using the oil treatment and to God be the glory I didn't lose my lovely Wife to lungs cancer anymore. So i'm here to share this testimony to the world at large as my Wife has been saved by the Cannabis Oil. I'm so glad! Email Dr. Rick Simpson ( )>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>
I'm so happy, i never believe i will be this happy again in life, I was working as an air-hoster for 3years but early this year, i lost my job because of this deadly disease called Herpes virus (HSV), I never felt sick or have any symptom, till all workers were ask to bring their doctors report, that was how i got tested and i found out that am HSV positive that made me loose my job, because it was consider as an STD and is incurable disease, i explained to a friend of mine, who always said to me a problem share is a problem solved, that was how she directed me to Dr Abumere , that was how i contacted him and get the medication from this doctor and i got cured for real, for similar issues contact this herbal doctor via you can also WhatsApp/call +2349021975055…
CBD오일은 모든 중증질환 환자분들께 분명한 치료효과가 있습니다.
❤❤CBD❤❤ (●대마오일●)관련하여 알려드립니다❤❤
●지난해 2019년 3월12일 국회에서 [의료용 대마법 개정]으로 치료용 목적의● CBD오일● 의료용은 사용승인이 났습니다.
●그러나 안타깝게도 일반인이 구매 하기에는 여전히 너무 까다로운게 현실입니다.
❤ 한병에 170만원이라는 만만치 않은 비용도 비용이지만 실제로 구매를 위해서는 해당 질병관련 처방전 과 더이상의 대체 치료제가 없다는 담당 의사 소견서를 갖추고 <희귀 필수 의약품센터> 와 <식품안전의약처>를 통해 ●CBD오일●을 손에 쥐기까지 평균 2개월 정도 소요 됩니다.
●그 사이에 하루하루 애타는 심정의 환자분 과 그 가족분들은 지쳐서 이루 말 할수없는 고통을 감수하고 계십니다.
❤그래서 뉴스에서 보듯 음성적으로 소아간질 아이 치료 목적으로 해외에서 몰래 들여오다 마약사범으로 간주되어 검찰조사를 받기도 하고 무분별하게 해외직구를 통해서 구매하다가 적발되어 머리카락,소변 검사 까지 받는 고초를 겪었던 것입니다.
●실제로 올해 만 해도 가족치료 목적으로 해외직구를 통해서 구매하다가 적발되어 마약사범 리스트에 오른 사례가 수백건이 넘습니다.
❤드디어 국내에서 합법적으로 해외직구가 아닌 국내유일 독점 공급 유통하는 회사가 생겨났습니다.
●지난주 10월23일 국내 판매를 위해서 4000여병이 서울시 송파구 소재 유통회사에 입고 되어 현재 전국 각지에 배송중인 상황입니다.
●소비자가격은 한 병당
❤당연히 우려 하시는 환각작용 THC성분은 검출 되지않은 상태에서 부작용이 전혀없는 안전한 제품입니다.
●생후2개월부터 100세 어르신까지 섭취 하여도 부작용이 없을 정도로 안전 합니다.
❤10년 이상 병원 치료도 소용없는 난치병의 일환인
●각종 암 관련질환,파킨슨병,알츠하이머병, 어르신 치매,중풍,소아간질,자폐증,뇌전증,분노조절, 불안,초조,우울증,공황장애,불면증 극복,당뇨,고혈압,기타 심혈관계 질환,여드름 치료,피부질환치료,지긋지긋한 척추,관절, 염증,통증완화● 등[17가지 이상의 중증 질환에 치료 효과]가 있다고 이미 WHO(세계보건기구) FDA(미국 식품의약국)에서 공식 발표 하였습니다.
❤실제로 ●CBD●섭취후 불과 5~10분 사이에 드라마틱한 효과를 보실수 있습니다.
반감기는 드시는 환자분의 증상에 따라 앓고있는 중증질환의 정도에 따라 다르지만 평균 18시간 입니다.
●2~3개월 꾸준히 섭취하시면 놀라울 정도의 분명한 치료효과가 나타납니다.
●문의 주시면 더욱 상세하게 안내해 드리겠습니다.
●본사방문시 아무런 부담없이 편하게 무료체험 하실수 있도록 도와드리겠습니다.
❤❤❤010 4675 3852❤❤❤
❤❤CBD에 관심 가져 주셔서 감사드립니다❤❤
From Chroma Note:
From Chroma Note:
Friends, I have an 8 year old granddaughter that is the child of my bipolar son. Saddly she lives 900 miles away. She is being given an amphetamine for days and clonodine to sleep?! This is a neurological roller coaster! A tragedy in the making!! Talk about a drug gateway!!!! So last summer my granddaughter visited for a week. I did not give her either medication!! Instead i gave her Natures Nutrients CBD oil before getting out of bed and again before bed! On the fourth night, as I was about to give her the evening dose, my granddaughter made the following UNSOLICITED comment, "PoP PoP this has been the best part of my days and the best part of my nights"!!! I didnt need to ask my granddaughter how she was feeling from the CBD!! It was obvious!! Her and her sister got along wonderfully all week long with virtually no friction between them!!! And yes her sister used the CBD as well!! We have settled on Natures Nutrients CBD because of its absolute purity!!! Its sold as an extra virgin CBD!! Completely unadulterated!!! We used 9 other brands before finding Natures Nutrients!!! Ive done the homework because I dont want second best!!! Take advantage of my efforts!!! Their # is 410-820-7700. You folks can also listen to what Natures Nutrients did for both of my adult children on Youtube called, "Is CBD being suppressed"! PEACE!!!
Ananda Hemp Full Spectrum 2000 is crazy amazing.
I've tried CBD oils but they didn't do anything for me.
I took a gummy with CBD last night and today I feel very calm and focus… it also had Indica in it so who knows lol
I've also read that study that you mentioned but also found another one that included 53 individuals (from ages 4-22). They found out that CBD helped with the reduction in self-injury behaviours, rage attacks, hyperactivity as well as improvement in their sleep habit and anxiety problems. Of course, we cannot say that CBD is the key to "eliminate" ADHD, but with further research, there is a lot of potential. Also, I've found an article about CBD and ADHD (I hope that it's ok to share it here):
I’m tryin cbd 60 mg daily to fight or prevent corona by vaping
I’m tryin cbd 60 mg daily to fight or prevent corona by vaping
Our son has ADHD and CBD definitely helps him. We know it's not a placebo either because he is young, and we are the ones noticing the difference.
I have adhd. Cbc oil helps me with anxiety, obsession and emotional regulation, but not that much with focusing except as a byproduct of emotional regulation
I had trouble reading the article with this video and couldn't focus enough to finish this video 😳 what works for adhd?
I thought this was research thumbs down
i have pretty heavy adhd i bought a thc oil i take 0.5mg in the morning i smoke weed with friends and those highs are super strong but this oil i take in the morning now i feel so calm and focused like im more efficent now the type of high is very smooth no body or heavy head high. ive had adhd since i was a kid im 21 now never taken adhd meds or any meds in my life but in high school id have super strong adhd effects and often high lvls of adrenaline and anxiety when not doin anything and i felt it in my chest like i wanted to rage and i kept thinking i "fucking need drugs" it was that bad but i never smoked or got anything and my parents didint care and i suffered lol but yes im in cali its all legal smoking weed is fun but can be very heavy taking this thc oil. o.5mg in the morning im just more efficent n focused calm
There is a buzz around about CBD oil. I was suffering from a sleeping disorder. I decided to give it a shot. I ordered it from and started using it. After sometime I noticed improvement. It does work indeed. Thanks for sharing all these health benefits of Cannabis oil.
did any one see that 2:54 a ring puff passing on
i have ADHD I BOUGHT THE 6000MG STRENGTH FROM HEAP OIL AND I BEEN ON IT FOR 3 DAYS NOW I FIND THE PAIN IN MY MY neck pain PLUS I SEEN AN IMPROVEMENT IN MY running and the pain . in my feet have samseded my sleep had improved and my anxiety calm down plus my thoughts and negative thinking has come down over all i am very happy with it i am 54 years old i seem to concentrate better at times! i have high blood pressure thats why i decided to go on cbd. i am on about 7 drops 2 or 3 times a day. i like it. i can't go on meds yet till my blood pressure comes down. but guys it works in sence i feel calm and more relaxed and my pain is not as bad.
I have ADHD and I use CBD oil. It has helped me. It is not a perfect solution to all the problems associated with ADHD. But, it has been helping me pay attention better.
Lately, I have just received my Medical Marijuana Card. THC gets me a little high. So, that doesn't help with ADHD.
However, even though THC doesn't help, CBD seems to be helpful for my ADHD. I do have other issues which THC helps with. Including: PTSD, Asperger's, anxiety and social anxiety. THC has helped with those issues more than it does with ADHD.
CBD does jack for ADHD. I once reheated some resin in my pipe and the weird amalgamation of whatever was in it got me going for a solid 3 hours. I never felt that way again, and I've always wondered why that worked. Anyway, CBD is good for the comedown that comes with real adhd medication.
CBD oil helps me with my ADHD. It calms me down a little and helps me pay attention.
What would a negative reaction to CBD oil be? Has anyone here used CBD oil for ADHDODD symptoms?
Asking for friends
Yeah I guess it’s better to take ADHD meds which have a little bit of meth in it than to take cbd oils with a little THC in it right
I have a question about hyperkinetic disorder that's what I was diagnosed with is this old terminology for what is now combined ADHD or is it a more extreme type of ADHD?
I wonder who performed the test?
I found cbd helped with my anxiety but as for ADHD it did not do jack
never tried CBD oil but other forms have done nothing for my inattention. well, I'd say it maybe lets me ruminate on my rejections less LOL