Cannabis Cultivation: Heat Makes Stems Stretch on Marijuana Plants

Marijuana clones transplanted 21 days ago doubled in size. Marijuana stems stretched from heat. Hot days made cannabis stem stretch between internodes. Marijuana growth is measured with a yardstick…

32 responses to “Cannabis Cultivation: Heat Makes Stems Stretch on Marijuana Plants”

  1. Was told about being over 85 degrees I should take my plant in shade with a light wind. Not sure if true for it is 96 degrees in San Diego today. I went ahead and took plant in shade and even tossed a 12 ice cubes around Stock Stem. My ice cubes is shaped half moons so I place them along side wall of pot half way dug in along with cubes around Stock Stem of same dug in half way in. Please assist of the HEAT TOLERANCE on outdoor plants. Likely end up googling but actual tip helps a lot, especially from Master Gardener which Im not, juts new to this due to Covid year. Dam its hot today, Im sweating just typing this,lol…

  2. hi jorge… how about diaper added to compose. does that help cooling? i just came across it on youtube. here in cen cal it gets 100Β°+ an hard to control heat. if plants are in shade does it have effect on plant vs no shade? in theory if plants are in shade they want to grow fast to get off shade in theory. plants battle for sun if cluster.

  3. One other thing- have you ever thought of using auto flowers to get a light dep free harvest throughout the summer?? e.g.- plant one in February, one in March, one in April, one in May, etc so starting in May you have a new flush of buds every month?!! In Cali you can claim the autos as mature plants and the regulars will start budding in August and you can harvest your last auto in early Sept. and KEEP YOUR MATURE BUDDING PLANT COUNTS LEGAL… More buds from the sun and you can keep your carbon footprint smaller by not powering up too many lights in the summer. Just a suggestion! Thanks again for doing what you do Jorge!!

  4. Jorge- I love your videos have lots of your books and saw you and met you in 2012 at the Denver Cup!!
    Just thinking out loud here- Why not imitate nature? Why not put your clones out earlier and you will AVOID all of this?
    Look at what mother nature does- the seeds crack in the beginning of spring and the roots go deep and therefor are good to go in the summer- don't take my word for it! Just ASK YOUR VOLUNTEER!! Just do some topping, super cropping or tie down the tops to bush em out and keep a lower profile in your back yard… Keep it green and keep on publishing Jorge- and I'll keep buying!!

  5. Tambien tengo una pregunta! Que me recomiendas para regresar a vegetales unas plantas que se me floriaron antes de tiempo! Las tengo outdoor gracias espero me puedas ayudar

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