5 Things You Need to Know About Medical Marijuana

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22 responses to “5 Things You Need to Know About Medical Marijuana”

  1. This is the only way I can get this message out; HEMP plastics is the future for earth.


    I wrecked my Harley not wearing my helmet that stopped my heart 3 times, put me into an 87 day coma waking with a 5.5 brain injury requiring relearning life. Once returning home I tried having my doctor do an MRI of my brain to compare to my wreck. He refused telling me that BIG PHARMA will financially destroy any doctor that proves THC restores brain injuries.

    This upset me so much that I taught myself MOLECULAR SCIENCE and went to the gold shop in KALISPELL MONTANA showing JB how copper transitioned into gold. This got me kicked out and he told 'city council' that I am making FOOLS GOLD from copper pass tests

    Boiling water proves that 'heat' excites MOLECULES allowing ATOMS to escape.

    Earth must be restored by growing HEMP world wide.


  2. "rEcCrEaTiOnAl uSe iS sOLeY fOr gEtTiNg hiGH" nah sometimes I be mad, sad, happy, gotta headache, annoyed w life, hell bro usually I'm just bored but sometimes I use it bc simply put, it's medicine.

  3. anyone please help I'm from Ireland going over to California for 2 weeks and I was wondering if you can get a medical weed card if your a tourist I do have PTSD and papers to prove it and if you can please explain to me how to go about it

  4. For over 6 months my wife kept on complaining about indigestion, bloating and her inability to pass stool. I believe it was just constipation because we all do have this symptoms sometimes in our life. It went on for months and when her stool became black with pains around her abdomen, we knew we had to see the doctor. An ultra sound and colonscopy was carried out and then we had the shock of our lives, she was has stage 4 colon cancer with mets to her liver already.
    She rushed into treatment and she was already into 2 rounds of Chemo when her body couldn't take it anymore.
    I resulted to cannabis oil, black seed, dandelion root, essaic tea and any supplement I could lay my hands on just to give her more quality of life but they only stable her condition.
    A friend of ours that went over to Mexico for alternative treatment for her breast cancer told us how effective it was and gave us the info of the herbalist that cured her.
    I contacted the herbalist without any real faith honestly because I knew we were losing this battle. He first of all changed her diets weekly and sent us his herbal Apollo oil and tea ( doesn't contain any cannabis). It's been over 11 months since my wife used these herbs and every symptoms are gone. We did some scans and colonscopy and the oncologist declare her NED!
    I know conventional treatment has helped some people but i can boldly claim and say I have witness the miracles of alternative meds. These herbs are the closets thing to a cure from my own experience. In the end I see no harm in trying from all angles to align your body to be strongest in assisting and fighting this horrible disease. His contact data is: drehimenherbal@gmail.com
    My wife is a survivor, and I know she'll stay this way for a long time. I'm now a believer of alternative medicine.

  5. Cannabis, marijuana, it's the same plant, it really doesn't matter what word you put in front of it, be it recreational or medicinal.
    It has medicinal value! I really expected more from Dr Oz.
    Those who don't see the medicinal value are ignorant or have an agenda.
    Less rhetoric more research……. remove the schedule 1 status and prove me wrong.
    There are some strains of cannabis specifically bred for certain cannabinoid profiles, but all cannabis is medicinal.

  6. If possible make sure you know your grower and what nutrients tbey use. Why? You ask – ever since monsantos got involved in the hydroponics industry People have been getting sick from smoking medical marijuana. So sick they are going to emergency. could be gmo too. Just be very careful what you smoke.
    Look up people getting very ill from smoking marijuana on youtube. There are a lot of videos on tbe subject. Now that bayer is in on the action its even worse. Did you know that Bayer got caught selling hiv tainted aspirin in tbe United States about 12 years ago?
    I believe the videos are still available to see on youtube.

  7. A cop told me to take a chill pill once. I said I can't you made it illegal like you do everything else.

    That didn't really happen but I could see it happening though.

  8. what a lie. Too much controversy not studied enough. Our government has had over 30 years to study marijuana. The one main guy they fired because he discovered it works with glaucoma. The same as when they said eggs had too much cholesterol. Then came out saying oh they didn't have as much cholesterol as we thought they did. Come on these were government scientists they knew exactly how much cholesterol was in the eggs they were testing. We're not talking dummies we talkin people who claim they put people on the moon. Saying there is no medical proof that marijuana helps. That's like saying there's no proof that water helps with dehydration. Lies.

  9. We found that thousands of years ago and still we worship of Shiva with mariwana.. It's one of the most important ayurvedic plants in history of Nepal..💖💖💖🇳🇵We love it.

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