What We Know about Pot in 2017

Marijuana!You guys always want to know more about pot from Healthcare Triage. It’s also one of the most controversial and complex subjects we cover. And it’s time for an update on what we know,…

26 responses to “What We Know about Pot in 2017”

  1. The scariest thing about pot is how widely consumed it is by kids. And how quickly the THC potency is growing. I dont think weed should be illegal. But we have to do better at keeping it away from teenagers.

  2. Toxic weed causes dizzyness , headaches , twitching , edgyness , weakness and nausea , only organic should be legal so many bad grow ops out there , it,s all about profit and sickness is the biggest industry

  3. After smoking so much toxic legal weed this year i have realized only organic weed should be legal as the fertilizer in most comerrcial weed is toxic but hey sickness is our biggest industry so if walmart can sell poison food , i guess toxic weed is ok …

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  5. Weed makes me feel mild pain instead of entire pain. Now if I mix weed with alcohol I almost feel no pain, in the past I took both and walked through a thorn patch didn't feel a thing.

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  7. Hey guys, I just found this great product from Tristan Weatherburn: How To Quit Weed Without Withdrawals Or Sleepless Nights.

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  8. Marijuana caused anxiety and severe paranoia for me. I was born to a crackhead, maybe theres correlation. But marijuana used to heavily increase my heart rate and it was very bad. LSD was fine, oxy too. I loved opiates.

  9. my mon is 80 years old. she was diagnosed with leukimea about 4 years ago. in the controlgroup from 20 people, she was the only one refusing chemo and regular medicine. And…she is the only one alive today and she still rides her bike…lives independently in an owned house…cannabis RULES..that is the only thing she used the last 4 years…not enough to feel any different, but it keeps her healthy. Cannabis does a thing called biosynthesis..setting your body to the for you optimal working conditions..if ingested, it cures about everything, inclusive adhd and addictions..especially nicotine and opiate addictions are won relatively easy with cannabis..

  10. There are times where smoking pot makes me feel better and times where it doesn't do anything for me. There are times where I think it makes my symptoms worse and everything but I'm not sure if that's just me getting stuck in the way of me doing things and isolating myself as I do or if it's me just getting high and getting lazy. As I can do both.

  11. I don't do it, but I worry about people who smoke it. Anytime you burn something and inhale that you are inhaling carbon. If you have PTSD or in pain I get it. they need to do research on Edibles and pill form

  12. Of course it's always limited evidence that maybe does or not.. Cannabis is not a drug it's a plant! Is compounds are. Reasearch has to be divided for THC, CBD, and at least 6 other major compounds. Those two are a balance, only thc WILL cause anxiety top anyone a least bit susceptible. CBD will calm down, it's an equilibrium.

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