Marijuana and the Developing Brain: Current State of Evidence | Uncharted Medicine

Dr Hansa Bhargava, a practicing pediatrician and a medical editor for Medscape and WebMD touches on marijuana. The push to legalize recreational …

28 responses to “Marijuana and the Developing Brain: Current State of Evidence | Uncharted Medicine”

  1. The marijuana amotivation syndrome study should be taken with a grain of salt. The sample size is small, and the study only used 138 marijuana users. There were more people who used alcohol in study than those who use marijuana… In a study about marijuana use. Second their measurement relies on self reporting. Self reporting is not a very reliable way to measure results. And lastly, it didn't appear they measured marijuana use frequency or amount used.

    "The sample consisted of 27.5% marijuana users (72.5% nonusers), 76.1% alcohol users (23.8% nonusers), and 16.0% cigarette users (84.0% nonusers)."

  2. The question of legaliity of Cannabis is not a question for health professionals. Health professionals are not educated for government policy or criminal justice. Stick to the question of whether or not it's safe to use.

  3. My iq has been tested by a professional at 172 ravens matrices 165 wais age 17 smoked marijuana heavily for about one and a half years a long with alcohol my mind has changed severely I feel after using I’d like to know the cognitive effects of marijuana to see if the information could be any help to me

  4. Prohibition created illlegal streed 'weed'.
    Do you even consider whether you're talking about a specific strain of cannabis out of the thousands of strain potentials? Or are you simply lumping cannabis as 'Dope'?
    Our society is archaic.. therein lies the root causes.. if our society has allowed our youth to medicate themselves on super skunk from shady gangs. Naysaying about cannabis.. in 2k20.
    It should be available next to the tomatos in the local supermarket. We should be growing it all over the place as it is extremely good plant for the environment too. It's an overwhelmingly positive plant to the point where I had to click on this video to see what form of propoganda this was.

  5. Why should something be illegal just because it might have risks? Shouldn't people be able to have the freedom to choose what they want to do? We still sell alcohol, fastfood, high sugar foods, etc, etc, etc. If you're going to question the legality of marijuana based on inconclusive findings then go back and do something about the things we do have the long term data on and then make everything illegal… because you could make all things illegal if you're including inconclusive data.

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