Medical Marijuana Cures Cancer? [with Dr. Donald Abrams]

I’ve been getting all sorts of questions about medical cannabis and cancer that ultimately boiled down to… Does Cannabis Cure Cancer? So, I decided that not only did I want to give you…

11 responses to “Medical Marijuana Cures Cancer? [with Dr. Donald Abrams]”

  1. REPEAL LAW for Whole Plant THC/CBD—Not for FDA approved SYNTHETIC THC/CBD produced in a laboratory–End prohition for Whole Plant THC/CBD—Not only CBD—synergistic and entourage benefits for Whole Plant THC/CBD !!!!!

  2. south africa . pretoria high court , 31 july 2017 to 25 august 2017, Trial of the Plant ,Trial of the Century, Main Expect Witnesses Dr Donald Abrams, Dr David Nutt …. cant wait to witness to these Doctors crushing this State witnesses into pieces,,,

  3. Thank you very much Dr Patel for filming this interview with Dr Abrams, whom I respect very much. It was very enlightening. I still do believe that cannabis can play a major role in treating cancer. With cannabis' role in modulating almost all of the human body, through the CB1 and CB2 receptor systems and returning the body to homeostasis, how can it not play a significant role? While I accept the fact that doctors rarely accept anecdotal evidence, I feel it still needs to be considered, especially with regards to FECO and the entourage effect. Thank you both again for the informative video.

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