How does marijuana affect your brain?

Marijuana is getting more and more popular every year. Public sentiment is shifting and states across the U.S. have begun legalizing pot for medical and …

34 responses to “How does marijuana affect your brain?”

  1. Unfortunately, YouTube says this video is not suitable for advertisers (despite manual review). We get it. Cannabis is a controversial topic. However, we think that content like this is important and we will continue to make it, even when it isn't considered ad-friendly. If you like what we do and are interested in supporting us in other ways, consider checking out our Patreon:

  2. It does destroy your moral by accelerating your conclusions and leave S you prejudice and prejudiced
    It’s only there to fight your perverse mental not for socialising

  3. Saying there are alcohol-related deaths but not for cannabis, so cannabis is safer, may be a little misleading… you need to count injuries/deaths per user: since way more people consume alcohol than cannabis. Also, 2 years later after this video was posted, we now know that some people do get addicted to cannabis. Lastly, we are only now beginning to study the long-term effects of cannabis use on the brain. Studies are suggesting that use of cannabis, as well as alcohol, by adolescents may have long-lasting affects on the adolescent brain, which has not completed its maturation. Bottom line: I personally would avoid both alcohol and cannabis until my brain has finished its development (~age 25). There's plenty of evidence to show that just because a drug is legal (cigarettes, alcohol, cannabis) doesn't mean it's safe. Mostly it means that the government can collect taxes from you.

  4. Yo why yall give pot a bad fuckin name next time put up the good uses of Marijuana MF

    This is just like when Doberman dogs were considered devil dogs that died out now they pointing fingers at pitbulls smh always about Marijuana this n that but yall won't say shit about coke cigarettes n alcohol n those kill

  5. They say Marijuana is a gateway drug? But trama is the drug … Marijuana is a natural medicine for people dealing with shit. It’s the equivalent of depression pills for me …

  6. I call bull sheet. on when the yong lady said its not addicting I've been smoking since I was 14 I've tried to quit and bad things happen and not to mention I'm pissed off all the time for no reason I just want to live my life and get high legally it would be nice if we could smoke in public and not be burned at the stake for it! I mean damn this is my little short 200 year life to live I should be able to smoke whatever I want legally

  7. Video improperly titled. Was looking for specifically how cannabis interacts with and affects neurotransmitters. This was way too much info with the current title. Lol

  8. I used to be super duper depressed and when i smoked weed it would only enhance my problems by like 20 to the point where i have to leave and be by myself but on the other hand weed has cured my depression. I ate a bunch of edibles for like 2 weeks and next thing i knew I wasnt depressed.

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