How does pot affect the teenage brain?

With legal marijuana coming down the pipe, how much do we know about whether it’s harmful to developing teenage brains? Click here for the full story: »»» Subscribe…

27 responses to “How does pot affect the teenage brain?”

  1. I smoke cannabis because I enjoy it, because I feel much more creative, confident and it helps with my anxiety attacks. If you can't handle yourself when your high you shouldn't be getting high. Cannabis has negative and positive side effects if you don't understand those side effects and how you can or nay react don't smoke it. Marijuana has many medical properties and can be very helpful with many disorders. If you choose to let marijuana become apart of the problem that is on you. There's no reason you can't be successful and get high.

  2. Pot makes you stagnant. Content with not doing much. Literally smokes up your path to your purpose. Its so socially acceptable in young people now & legal so just another habit to build up to addiction.

  3. "Weed has ruined my ambitious and turned me into something I hate." Then stop smoking you dumbfuck, if your not happy with your habits change them, He's 24 for christ's sake.

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