What Happens When You Workout High?

NOW AVAILABLE* – PictureFit Tees, Tanktops, and more! Store: (Effects of Marijuana During Exercise) – Ever thought of what will happen in your body if you work out high…

46 responses to “What Happens When You Workout High?”

  1. Thc doesn't create winners it creates champions. Usane bolt and gold medalist swimmer world champions, over and over, they smoke cannabis as part of their training. Relaxation is key to training.

  2. To the learning aspect: yes however this is because when you smoke and you go into something new your brain is trying to process ahead of what you are doing! So basically the brain is taking what you are doing and starts planning it’s next 2 steps! When I play video games high it will take me at least 2 attempts! However after the first attempt at a level my brain has retained the information only long enough to destroy that level! However weed is kinda like a flash drive for the brain! Temporarily increase the brain’s processing power but after removing this usb it loses that same information! The myth that weed makes you dumb is only accurate to the point that it returns to normal so if you dumb nothing has changed! However this does not mean you lose everything you learned! I’m fact you still maintain quite a bit more of that information learned! Don’t believe me smoke a hoint and read 3 pages of the dictionary! I guarantee you will have learned 3 new words and be able to spell them and use them in life with out even realizing you have done this!

  3. I want to point out.., that smoking weed does what you say when working out as far as not feeling the pain! However anyone that uses it to work out will use weed as any other preform out! I myself go to the gym 3 times a day! Cardio in the morning 40 minute circuit afternoon and a full real work out at night(strength training) I use prework outs like Such as phosphate! Now there are two kinds of phosphates one can take however one kind can only be used for 3 weeks then you have to switch to mono phosphate! So the point I’m making is when I started working out in the beginning I used weed to get past my limits eventually I separated weed from the gym after clearing what I call the beginners bulk burn out phase! (Bbbop) is when you go but you can’t mentally hack it thus wanting to give up… by allowing the use of weed in my workout and getting those few extra reps past what I normally could do!l combined with supplements! I was able to bulk more then I was expecting and blow past my (bbbop) by accelerating my growth before I mentally could beat myself down and give up! However doing this wrong can as you said damage joints! There were times where I pushed myself way to far because of smoking weed before my workout! As a result I would experience times of extreme joint pain and cramping! Eventually it stopped but it’s not something just anyone should try especially if your not planning to work out regularly!

  4. “People who smoke weed live up to 18-35” the fuck u on about I’m 13 and I’m not dead, and btw forgot to mention how old snoop dogg is🤣🤦‍♂️🤦‍♂️fuckin dumbass

  5. I thought that one might talk about it being such a relaxant for the body and hence any change in affects in the way the muscle responds to stress. Let me know if anyone has any thoughts on that ? Thanks 😊

  6. prefer a good amoke after a run, shower then something to eat. Feel set for the day. Tried running while high as fuck once and passed a bar my friend's were in, so had a burger and 6 beers. Good day tho 😆👍

  7. I used to smoke a spliff before I trained every day and I was in the best shape of my life, it really helped me focus and also relaxed me in the right way, ie muscles didn’t tense up as quickly helping to improve endurance.

  8. If I get stoned I instantly turn into a lazy slob. The mere thought of going for a run or working out makes me wanna fall flat on my face.
    Guess it's different for different people.

  9. Honestly the hardest part high or sober is getting to the gym and started. Once you get the blood flowing you’re golden. Weed doesn’t make you lazy, it just amplifies it if you are.

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