Growing Cannabis in Las Vegas – Greenway Medical – Smokers Guide TV Nevada

– Uncle Stoner takes a look around Greenway Medical, a licensed medical marijuana cultivation facility in Las Vegas, Nevada who provide award winning genetics to patients….

28 responses to “Growing Cannabis in Las Vegas – Greenway Medical – Smokers Guide TV Nevada”

  1. You cut the tips of the leaves to stop the leaves from growing any further! Causing more growth on both ends of the plant (look at the clones in the background) you can do this regularly throughout your grow

  2. Greenway medical are not that good as far as quality. I heard that they kill mold with UV lights if it fails testing. Not only does it kill mold but destroys the plant itself including the terpene profile and cannabinoids

  3. they said they harvest and take down 20 lights a week. Then at 3:25, the guy said each harvest like that they get only 25-30 pounds. That's newbie status, any pro growers know you need to get at least 2 pounds per light.

  4. look at all the wasted electricity and resources. One day, we'll be able to grow outdoors in the full sun spectrum like nature intended. Cool grow, but still harshes my buzz a little bit

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