Indoor Hydroponic Marijuana Grow "Harvest"

Hi folks this season is coming to an end, Strains= Critical+, Taskanti light:400w hps System= ebb & flood 45 L Nuts= 50% of light feeding program of advance …

45 responses to “Indoor Hydroponic Marijuana Grow "Harvest"”

  1. @trulypoe
    flushing removing nutss from medium.
    in soil u add only water for the last few weeks in hydro just change the water…this simple.
    imho flushing = waste of time and money.

  2. those are beautiful! i want to start doing it. ive been doing a lot of resarch! but do u have anything on helping hyding the smell! i couldnt find anything on that and everyone i know doesnt have to worry about it cuz they live in the middle of no wear! and i live in an apartment! and most of them arent the brightest! i dont even know how there able to grow it! but if anyone has anyt tips on hideing the smell id really aprieciate it! those are great looking buds by the way!

  3. those are beautiful! i want to start doing it. ive been doing a lot of resarch! but do u have anything on helping hyding the smell! i couldnt find anything on that and everyone i know doesnt have to worry about it cuz they live in the middle of no wear! and i live in an apartment!

  4. Does it take longer to flower with a 400 watt hps than the higher wattages even if its a 4×3 hydroponic system. My blueberry plants are growing to big for the box and they have reached the light and its causing alot of the leaves to burn up? Any advice???

  5. hello GrowersAround,
    I agree whit kbgrowkid420 and I will ask you plz. check the PH level of the nutritions before and after watering.
    Should be between 5,7 and 6,0
    Is that okay??
    If the PH level is okay, you miss for sure some Phosfor (P) into the nutrition.
    The purple petiole of the leave say that to you.
    Peace ..

  6. hell yeah man, plants look great… 1 thing i'd say is it needs a longer flush.. hydro plants will have an undesirable taste and burn if not properly flushed

  7. that first strain looks pretty damn decent, some nice Trichy close leaflets mixed in with nice golf ball like dense calyxs'. Looks killer for sure man hope it smokes as good as it looks.

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