Southwest Virginians react to House, Senate passing bills to legalize marijuana

Southwest Virginians react to House, Senate passing bills to legalize marijuana.

27 responses to “Southwest Virginians react to House, Senate passing bills to legalize marijuana”

  1. Black market cannabis has been happening for decades and probably a lot longer. Legalizing it or not legalizing it will not change that status except it may make it go down considerably because it would be available to those of age that use it. But, tell me, when has alcohol – as in liquor – helped many medical issues? It hasn’t. It is nothing compared to cannabis which helps so many differing ailments. These people need to do some actual research before speaking 🙄

  2. Every Republican that voted against us who is telling me that marijuana did not save my life that marijuana did not get me sober and then marijuana somehow never one time in recorded history will make overdoses jump. When not one time in the entire recorded history of the earth no one has ever overdosed on weed. But the Senators are literally saying people are going to overdose on weed kind of like Amanda chase this stupid person and who happens to be in our government. Why are people like this allowed to be in our government. Makes me sick

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