Black market cannabis has been happening for decades and probably a lot longer. Legalizing it or not legalizing it will not change that status except it may make it go down considerably because it would be available to those of age that use it. But, tell me, when has alcohol – as in liquor – helped many medical issues? It hasn’t. It is nothing compared to cannabis which helps so many differing ailments. These people need to do some actual research before speaking 🙄
Every Republican that voted against us who is telling me that marijuana did not save my life that marijuana did not get me sober and then marijuana somehow never one time in recorded history will make overdoses jump. When not one time in the entire recorded history of the earth no one has ever overdosed on weed. But the Senators are literally saying people are going to overdose on weed kind of like Amanda chase this stupid person and who happens to be in our government. Why are people like this allowed to be in our government. Makes me sick
Legalize the medicine and criminalize the disease.
Trust me folks there ready to pull you over don’t let this turn into something worse be smart
He talking out of his house
He is worried about people growing their own weed? How does he think people have been getting it?
I never thought I'd see the day come!! Yesss!!! Only thing is can you still work without worrying about failing a drug test? Probably not!
Black market cannabis has been happening for decades and probably a lot longer. Legalizing it or not legalizing it will not change that status except it may make it go down considerably because it would be available to those of age that use it. But, tell me, when has alcohol – as in liquor – helped many medical issues? It hasn’t. It is nothing compared to cannabis which helps so many differing ailments. These people need to do some actual research before speaking 🙄
Keeping it illegal changes nothing and history shows that.
Virginia is for lover's of cannabis! Just like the rest of the country 💚🌱🙏👌💨☕
Statisctics show that black market sales go down in EVERY single state it has been legalized in
Government destroys lives cannabis does not. It's a plant. It's suppose to be a free country. Legalize cannabis
It is time!
Of course ppl will still sell it on the blackmarket but it'll cut that down by like 80% and ppl still need cheaper options
Lucky ppl. I wish Florida would wake up and make it legal so I dont have to continue to suffer for no reason
Just legalize everywhere and the economy will come back easier
Don’t let em shut down personal growing.
Watch out. " democrats want more marijuana deaths".. Idiots
High & Hello
Yeah.. Moonshine stills everywhere, right Barn? -Andy Griffith
Every Republican that voted against us who is telling me that marijuana did not save my life that marijuana did not get me sober and then marijuana somehow never one time in recorded history will make overdoses jump. When not one time in the entire recorded history of the earth no one has ever overdosed on weed. But the Senators are literally saying people are going to overdose on weed kind of like Amanda chase this stupid person and who happens to be in our government. Why are people like this allowed to be in our government. Makes me sick
This will only lead to more heroin use.
Live you own life, make your own choices, let others do the same. LIBERTY.
Great! I’m hoping they legalize radar detectors too
Been working fine here in Colorado
Thank goodness
I mean I must admit the moonshine epidemic is really bad.
Should be legalized world wide
If this passes I'm going to smoke all day everyday.