Shark Tank – Saturday Night Live

A pair of radical thinkers tries to sell the Sharks on an up-and-coming organization: ISIS. Get more SNL on Hulu Plus: …

48 responses to “Shark Tank – Saturday Night Live”

  1. O Bedouin, let us not be neglected from our purpose for prayer in the Holy Mosque, I am afraid you will not reach the Kaaba. Because the path you follow leads to Turkey…

  2. Oil = 90% of the world's reserves are located in the Arab lands

    On the occasion of this poor video, Islam will become number 1 in the world in 2060

    Which makes me happy

  3. Why did they capitalize on their Islamic part, as if we didn’t get enough Islamophobia to deal with. If u we’re gonna do this skit emphasize that it’s an extremist cult. Instead of saying “ what’s stopping me from ur Islamic state”. U could something like “what’s stopping me from ur cult” Words really do matter. Subtlety is picked up on, and I’ve only ever seen Muslims be portrayed as terrorists in SNL

  4. Never knew that joking about people who want to kill us, rape our women and enslave our people was funny. Its not a joke.

  5. Never knew that joking about people who want to kill us, rape our women and enslave our people was funny. Its not a joke.

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