37 responses to “What Does Delta-8 Feel Like? Differences from Delta-9”

  1. Honestly doesn’t take much guys.
    I’m in Chicago and get It from Delta8antianxiety.com and you can really just enjoy a anti anxiety relief rather than getting sooooo plowed. Buttt I do respect is you are real AF and can legit show love to the new baby bro on the block

  2. Am i the only one that never gets "weird" when i get baked?? Like I can take 700mg of thc plus like 3-4 bong bowls and a couple dabs of rosin and i still feel perfectly social if not more comfortable around people or in public in general.😭😭

  3. I tried it last night for the first time and I was hitting it over and over because I underestimated it thinking it wouldn't be like delta-9 but I got the same exact high that delta-9 gives but it took longer and more hits because delta-8 is weaker

  4. Delta 8 is more everyday ppl delta 9 is what they should prescribe for broken arm cancer of course etc but yes delta 8 then should at Least be legal everywhere like alcohol if they don’t wanna make delta 9 legal

  5. Not legal to carry around if a cop sees it they will treat it as delta 9 the test strips will still say a positive for thc. And over a gram Is a felony here where I live. My state still hasn't legalized medical marijuana so it's a really big deal

  6. I want to know what kinda delta 9 yall be getting. I WISH it put me out like yall are talking about lol and cbd is just bull… Might as well just grab a handful of fresh grass and smoke it

  7. D8 replaced Alcohol for me, I already preferred D9 over Alcohol but sometimes D9 takes you too deep and isn't for every social situation. Having a good time during a football game or something, I prefer a bit of D8.

  8. facts, these mf's be lying sometimes especially carts from cali, the uncle they get it from could add whatever he wants because he makes the carts himself. fake carts that aren't dispensary certified are unsafe i saw people who were rushed to the ER for fake carts because I'm studying to be a nurse and clinicals in the ER are important you learn so much. don't trust people who aren't getting it directly from the dispensaries and if they give you the dispensary receipt as a picture it's risky.

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