39 responses to “Fearless | Legalize Drugs”

  1. I love love love the script flip. This dude is fearless. I wish I was wealthy enough to sponsor this dude to audit full time.
    Thanks for letting us know about him since obviously youtube won't.

  2. That guy is brilliant, fast thinking, fast talking, and the Governments worst nightmare. He's holding them accountable, which we all should do. We've just had a rigged election and many people are believing mainstream medias propaganda. I wish he'd go after them next!

  3. You have to be a lawyer to deal with law enforcement. They don't care about rights or law. This auditor is sharp as a knife… Great job('s). This gentleman helps me to speak up. Thanks ASD DOCS

  4. How dare a citizen make eye contact with a law enforcement officer?! You’re lucky they didn’t shoot you or go to your house and kill your dog.

    Cops are utter shit…every last one of them.

  5. You say "unlike others etc LD files lawsuits" and while admittedly there are some that for some reason do not file 1983 lawsuits, he is far from the only one who files them, most of the activists actually at least file on some of the slam dunk lawsuit scenarios if not most/all. The reason why most people aren't aware of it is because of the fact they gag order/NDA the terms of out of court settlements almost always which prevents the plaintiffs from sharing the details.

  6. What the police don't realize is, if they followed the Constitution and there was not years of police abuse on all of us citizens people would not be doing these audits.

  7. Violation of 1st amendment rights ! I smell a Lawsuiit ! Officers not properly trained. Violation of 4th amendment rights ! Lawbreaker not law enforcement . Crooked cops ! Officer safety Lots of cowards here ! Paranoia runs deep here !

  8. If you really want to know what are real rights are read Brandel concurring opinion avoidance Doctrine paragraph 6,
    Your social security number is an availed benefit, this is how the police get away with murdering citizens taking our rights away and judges siding with the police we have no real rights but the ones they allow us to have based upon paragraph 6,
    If you want more information I will be happy to explain just ask

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