Growing CBD Dominant CANNABIS STRAINS Overview

Today on Lex’s World we discuss growing CBD-rich Cannabis and what are the basics you needs to know before you get into it. YOU can help me LOTS by …

41 responses to “Growing CBD Dominant CANNABIS STRAINS Overview”

  1. Apologies for the double notification this morning, all! Just had a small but annoying error in the video I opted to fix quickly rather than let go..

  2. I grow CBD. I get tons of relief. I’ve grown 6-7 seeds. Never a dud. I did select a mother from my first run. It’s all 0.7 thc or less and 10-20% CBD. I think this video is most applicable to the 1:1 strains, where variability towards higher THC can really undermine the purpose of the grow. When growing 20:1 or 40:1 strains, CBD dominance is pretty much guaranteed. The issue is, are you 6-7% short of its highest CBD potential.

  3. I heard letting trichomes develop to amber color, tends to produce more indica dominant effects in the flower, whereas cloudy trichomes produce a more sativa effect. This doesn't apply to CBD then, since you said don't let the trichomes get to an amber color?

  4. Hey lex, I had a question. Lately I have been purchasing dank af looking weed. But then when I am smoking I don't by any means get high, could this be because the resin I see has loads of cbd on the buds rather than THC? I am so confused

  5. Hi I'm very new to this cbd oil I want to know which marijuana plant is the best to make the cbd oil as I'm going to try making my own . I just bought a bottle of cbd oil from the liquor store it was 61$ for 18 MLS it has 20% cbd

  6. What about hemp breeds? The ones crossed with hemp are all CBD focused. Wasn't it old grower knowledge that if wild hemp grew in your area you would get seeds with hardly any THC but looked wonderful?

  7. Lex Blazer Hey, I know this may sound like a dumb question but I was just wondering if you grow seeds that were from an industrial hemp strain that's high in CBD, is it still possible that those might produce a higher level of THC than anticipated? (Like if I were to grow seeds that I got from those legal CBD flower companies that are technically hemp) thanks.

  8. Hey, I have a female plant recently starting to flower and I would like to know if there’s anyway I can make it produce seeds without crossing it with another strain?

  9. Amazing info, and perfect timing as I'm looking for a high CBD strain.
    Funny how the times have changed. 10 years ago you would never hear of people looking for less THC and more CBD… hell 10 years ago most people wouldn't even know what CBD was! Haha

  10. iv been growing some CBD 1:1 autoflowers and while i find the product very tasty and just what i want I do find the strain very temperamental and i get very small stunted as well as big happy ladys, as well as a high mutation factor it seems, i think its all very new still and alot are still beta testing if u will.

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