18 responses to “Epimedium (Horny Goat Weed) – What Can It Do For You”

  1. For me it increases my anxiety my heart rate it did increase my sex drive a lot I could cum like 10+ times within 10-30 min range but it’s increased it too much and I only took half a pill because it was too potent

  2. I bought a bottle of horny goat weed by NOW do you think it would be good to start with half a capsule a day? Because I am sensitive to dietary supplements..I often have skin-pimple allergies

  3. Personal experience when I use to take it—> It sure will get you a harder erection and intense orgasm (I am a pretty active person and eats right so I can't attribute my stamina to only the Maca). One side effect is that it increases your thirst drive and your mouth feels dry sometimes (it tells you on the bottle though).

  4. Pumpkin seed oil apparently boosts your testosterone and I've known that since a kid…
    And it tastes so good in a salad
    (Us Slovenians always put it in our salads until I heard it was good for men and then I had to research why…) because apparently they didn't even know LOL

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