Use of marijuana hasn’t traditionally been a “gray area” for Christians. The drug was illegal, so it was off-limits to those who are “subject to the governing …
48 responses to “Is Marijuana Ever Okay for Christians?”
Stop saying " Marijuana " its demonizing. The correct word is Cannabis, or kannobosm.
I just came here for guidance. It's hard to know when you're walking in a gray area between good and bad. I put myself onto gods hands and I hope to quit soon so I can live a rightious life in accordance to his will.
Then god said : let the earth bring forth grass, the herb that yields seed, and the fruit tree that yield fruit according to its kind. Who’s seed is in itself, on the earth.
Genesis 30 : “also to every beast of the earth, to every bird in the air, to everything that creeps on the earth, in witch their is life, I have given every green herb for food.
So why did god put weed on this planet? I’ll tell you why, because it is a medicine and it is beautiful. And at the very least, better blazed off the bud and learn about yourself.
Jesus and his men used to drink wine and noah drank wine and he was drunk n fell asleep but one of his sons informed on him but his other son covered him.i think you should smoke weed but smoke weed responsibly juss like you should drink responsibly bec the devil in always lurking.
I feel like what we as Christians need to understand is that the Lord allows us to make choices that aren’t generally sinful or generally God glorifying, but can go either way on an individual basis. In other words, things that are not named explicitly in the Bible may be sinful for one person and not sinful for another. We see this explained by Paul in Romans 14:13-19. Weed is one of those things that could easily go either way depending on the person taking it. If you feel like weed is driving a wedge between you and Christ, follow that conviction. If you feel that weed lessens your anxiety and allows you to feel peace and satisfaction in the Lord, be thankful for it. At the very least, what we should not be doing is pushing our personal convictions onto each other without scriptural basis for them. And for a topic such as weed use, that could arguably be considered sinful or not-sinful based on a number of scriptures, we need to really evaluate whether our weed use brings us closer to or further from God. Do we feel dependent on it as our main source of peace and joy? Has using it hindered us or helped us in doing the things we know for sure we are supposed to do for God? In my case (I’ve been an on-and-off weed user for a bit over a year) I feel conflicted, because I’ve seen it both help and hurt my relationship with the Lord. I’d taken a break from it and felt that limiting my use to only a light amount once a week may be a good balance for me. I do have anxiety disorders and sleep disorders, so the weed is medicinal for me. However, I tend to over use it and depend on it for peace rather than depending on my relationship with the Lord for my ultimate source of peace. That is where my convictions have settled me- using in moderation. I’ve also decided neither to promote or demote weed use publicly, because, again, I believe it’s something that should be decided on a personal basis. I love to talk to people about it if they ask me.
It’s hard to trust Christians judgments on this plant, it’s like none are well informed about it.Or they are straight spilling propaganda from the 50’s or they are just clueless and try to discourage people without being sure why.Yes some abuse it and are addicted to it but it’s such a small number compared to the total number of people using it, unlike with other things like pornography, video games, hard drugs(including strong alcohol) and other definitively addictive substances…Can we have a straight, helpfully and informed answer from anyone?
But then the trajectory for people who drink alcohol is alcoholism. Saying the trajectory of people who smoke pot is all going “inward” thats not a valid reason, just an opinion/thought of urs. Im not a pothead or smoke it, but i have tried it three times and have friends that still do it on a daily basis and they maintain relationships with their spouses, coworkers and friends/family. If ur point on alcohol helps the celebrations and bring community that can also b a trajectory to excessively drkinking/partying and not maintaining real relationships.
For all those who try to make justification. Human will not die because the abstinance of Marijuana, Cigarete, Alcohol, Sex, and sort of things that usually people say that they need it.
People WILL DIE without : 1. FOOD (carbo, protein, fat, calcium, natrium, etc). Junk food is bad ? YES, stay away, Try to eat healthy as much as you can. Even if you face the situation when the only left in this earth is Junk Food and Weed/Cigarete. Junk food will save you, at least for years. Cigarete will not. Junk food still have carbo and protein. 2. WATER (H20). 3. AIR (O2/oxygen), anybody can live with smoke of cigaret only ? Even cigarete need oxygen to make it work. 4. Light (sun)
If you fall and addicted, fight, God gave you the strength that you are not realize yet. Seek Him. Pray. Go to healthy community, pray for you all. God bless you.
I am sorry with my english, i am from third world country 😅
Ok so I know we should obey the laws of the land BUTTTT the constitution of this whole country says we should have FREEDOM OF RELIGION!!! That’s the very first commandment is to have no other God’s before Him…so as long as u ain’t laying around all day on the couch being a stoner and your being a productive Christian person, then it says in genesis that He put everything here for US, I was on benzodiazepines like Xanax Valium and klonopin BEFORE! I start repenting and talking to God as soon as I smoke and it always makes me see the bigger picture, WEED IS NOT A DRUG, it’s not MAN MADEEEEE!!!!!!! Yeah recreational use before you go to church isn’t good, but at night instead of some crazy medicine ITS FINE!!
Weed is a cursed object. Don’t smoke it as it allows for demonic oppression then possession if you don’t sanctify yourself of it. Don’t give into your fleshly desires.
Honestly, weed has brought me closer to Christ. The praying, the constant adoration or so I’m trying, learning how to pray to Christ, learning how to be more admirable to Jesus and God. Honestly I think Jesus tried to show me, well did show me, through a song of praising the saints and the angels and Christ.
Salvation is to each individual. Look at the scripture, the relationship between you and god isn't exactly correlated to the Congregation. It says to congregate a commandment but you can't save anyone no matter how good of deeds you do so if you want some time alone to think and maybe meditate because alcohol has 0 medicinal purpose and is far more addictive but people with cancer, anxiety and epilepsy among other things as well use marijuana but it is a plant that is cultivated then harvested and there has been 0 overdoses and its Governmental prohibition turned it to a common street drug when it is more natural then most the food we eat daily if it is high grade. All I am saying God is good and just we can have our opinions and agree to disagree and be civil God bless🙏
My prayer life and interest in fellowship with other believers was actually strengthened by weed. I don't know why, but I am more compelled to read and understand God's word and ponder on my relationship when I smoke. I don't think I'd be where I am if I didn't have it around.
it's only a sin if you consider it one. i just want to say that i am a functional pot smoker. The sin lies within the interference of our full minds. but it's okay as long as you can still live your life. the second guy to speak talked about how he had never experienced a functional high. well that's how i live my life and i believe i'm doing well.
Nope… sorry, I doubt you have smoked. The truth is, anytime someone has weed, its shared. Thats the unwritten rule of pot smokers. Sorry, I agree that in terms of use you have to not over do it, but to say you disengage from a community sense it completely goes against the culture around weed.
I have mixed feelings on this topic because weed has helped me get past my social anxieties. And helped me interact with people I love. I'm sure it would be better to not need something. It's good that we are having this discussion
I struggle with this issue because I have pain that has caused me to only be able to work part-time at my business. I'm currently on two pain meds. Severe neck pain and lower back pain. I've been trying to avoid surgery and I want to be healed supernaturally. Being under the influence of cannabis during the day is not something I'm going to do but I'm thinking about using it before I go to bed to kill pain and help me sleep
Idk man I dont feel convicted about smoking weed. So long as it doesnt become an idol or become something you abuse. Also I would say if it's not legal where you are then its wise not to do it. However if you're taking benadryl, tylenol, Nyquil, or even drinking coffee to stimulate your body to feel better then you should also have your opinionated-facts discredited to a certain degree.
I smoke pot and drink every day, and i've come to terms with what i have to fix in my life to quit, but 4:00 is something EVERYBODY should ask themselves. If you do something unhealthy in excess, anything at all, it's because you're not happy with the healthy aspects of your life. There is pure, real joy in following your passions, fixing and maintaining healthy relationships, growing your business/climbing up the ranks at your job, and everything else that produces something positive and enriching to the human experience. There's a hollow joy in getting high or drunk off anything. It's an undeserved joy that you got from sparking a lighter or cracking a can, and you have nothing to show for it despite how good you felt when you were doing it. Do things that have actual results, then you'll actually feel good.
Been smoking for years now I’m 17 I believe in god if one tells you how to believe or think I. God they are not a true believer marijuana woundt of been out here from god if it was bad or disconnecting from the holy spit and you shouldn’t smoke weed to disengage that’s bad weed is meant for positive minded people take that away you are alone I find it amazing to smoke and read scripture somthing about it connects me even deeper I believe theirs nothing wrong with marijuana
Altering the mind, God will shun "anything" that negatively affects any aspect of serving God's Will. I am certain there will be so many amazing new things for our minds in heaven, however i am sure substance abuse on any level is not part of His Plan :p
Are people in the comments not reading the title??? This video talks About recreational use, not medical use. Marijuana is medicine. Smoking Marijuana recreationally is taking medicine when you aren't sick. That doesn't seem right.
TLDR: Don't abuse either and you're fine to enjoy it. Alcohol is given a pass until it's obvious Suzie has a problem but I smoke and i'm automatically trying to run from something by just asking the question? Cannabis gets the same danger messaging as Alcohol with none of the data that alcohol has and yet we'll have an intervention on cannabis day one but alcohol can beat his wife twice first. Not fair.
It's an assumption to say that someone that smokes is doing so to distance themselves or is "running from something." Cannabis traditionally has been used by all kinds of cultures for religious enlightenment as well as for celebratory reasons to match the same reasons alcohol is consumed today. Communion is taken with wine in certain Christian circles. So I understand the argument for alcohol V. weed from the celebration aspects and they're right that cannabis has a P.R voice of "Individualism". There's a reason for that and you can thank the laws that vilified it.
If we're going to talk wisdom, let's set the stage for it. If I had an alcohol drinker and a cannabis smoker come to me asking the same question of "Is this ok?" I'd say one thing: Good judgement dictates the use; the definition of Wisdom Is basically be smart about it.
This rolls into Abuse discussions. To the alcohol drinker, if there was a physical problem with it (They come to church stumbling, their wife/husband/partner is saying it's an issue, they've become aggressive) then I'd ask them about wisdom and if drinking is a smart thing to do given where they're at. I'd ask the question of "What are you running from or what pain are you trying to mask?" at that time because it's obvious wisdom is not being applied.
To assume that cannabis use by default warrants a level of wisdom before it can be used even though there's no physical data supporting the dangers on the level of alcohol or even personal data as a pastor in this case that shows the cannabis user clearly not applying wisdom to it's use is in my opinion at the least not fair and at the worse disingenuous.
What I'm saying is that there's an "allowance" through tolerance that's given to alcohol even though the numbers show the deaths, abuse, the sheer darkness around alcoholism support proper wisdom being applied but cannabis is given the same P.R with no data to back it up and must be given the same wisdom by just asking the question of "Is smoking weed ok?" and yet you haven't smoked and beat your kids at all….. but the alcohol will be tolerated after damage is clear and obvious so if that's the case…..shouldn't "Wisdom" be applied more to alcohol than cannabis?
To say that Cannabis is by default a withdraw from society experience: There are a TON of saaaaad people drinking their life away alone because of trauma. To say Alcohol is by default done in a celebratory way biblically at least: There are plenty of people that smoke in groups and pass blunts around together, talking about things, joking, ect. The way it's been done for thousands of years.
If they're hurting themselves or others physically, financially or phycologically, i'd say DRINKING is not wise. If they're doing the same things with weed (smoking AALLL day, stealing their kids Switch to sell and buy more ect.) Id say SMOKING is not wise.
But to run Cannabis use through the "Is it wise" filter JUST BECAUSE it's cannabis……just doesn't seem fair given alcohol's track record so far and can only be defined as political reasons to vilify the plant.
All in all, the argument is about Wisdom: Is it a smart thing to do? What I'd say: I'd apply the same filter equally. "If you're drinking(smoking) with friends or a beer(joint) at home alone, If you manage it and don't over indulge, if you don't drive a car while on it or show up to worship rehearsal influenced by it, if you apply wisdom through knowing the effects and applying sound judgement on how that can affect you, then drinking alcohol(smoking cannabis) is in my opinion OK and a personal decision one can make on their own."
I would want to guide someone in discovering that wisdom. Knowing what cannabis IS and IS NOT. what it can do to you as well as what it can do FOR you. Personally speaking alcohol doesn't even have a "what it can do for you" listing that I'm aware of and yet Suzie can walk into church noddin off reeking of vodka and the whole congregation will be button lipped about it until she tries to drive home and Its and OBVIOUS problem. Cannabis however must have his keys taken away by simply asking the pastor "is this ok." and we wonder why the people that use it are so ashamed of it WITHOUT having to run someone over……it doesn't make sense.
We're not even talking about the medical uses here. I understand their views and respect them. But on the merits of what I explained I'd have to disagree. If an adult in my hypothetical church came to me and asked about it?
"Well… long as you don't abuse it, show up to church on it, and can manage it like an adult…go smoke brother/sister." You know, the same thing i'd tell an alcohol drinker?
Stop saying " Marijuana " its demonizing. The correct word is Cannabis, or kannobosm.
I just came here for guidance. It's hard to know when you're walking in a gray area between good and bad. I put myself onto gods hands and I hope to quit soon so I can live a rightious life in accordance to his will.
Genesis 11
Then god said : let the earth bring forth grass, the herb that yields seed, and the fruit tree that yield fruit according to its kind. Who’s seed is in itself, on the earth.
Genesis 30 : “also to every beast of the earth, to every bird in the air, to everything that creeps on the earth, in witch their is life, I have given every green herb for food.
That should answer your question…
We need to protect our temple which is our body. Smoking harms your body and is not of God.
I can’t smoke a little weed but everyone at church can cheat and sleep with each other? I rebuke you
So why did god put weed on this planet? I’ll tell you why, because it is a medicine and it is beautiful. And at the very least, better blazed off the bud and learn about yourself.
Jesus and his men used to drink wine and noah drank wine and he was drunk n fell asleep but one of his sons informed on him but his other son covered him.i think you should smoke weed but smoke weed responsibly juss like you should drink responsibly bec the devil in always lurking.
I feel like what we as Christians need to understand is that the Lord allows us to make choices that aren’t generally sinful or generally God glorifying, but can go either way on an individual basis. In other words, things that are not named explicitly in the Bible may be sinful for one person and not sinful for another. We see this explained by Paul in Romans 14:13-19. Weed is one of those things that could easily go either way depending on the person taking it. If you feel like weed is driving a wedge between you and Christ, follow that conviction. If you feel that weed lessens your anxiety and allows you to feel peace and satisfaction in the Lord, be thankful for it.
At the very least, what we should not be doing is pushing our personal convictions onto each other without scriptural basis for them. And for a topic such as weed use, that could arguably be considered sinful or not-sinful based on a number of scriptures, we need to really evaluate whether our weed use brings us closer to or further from God. Do we feel dependent on it as our main source of peace and joy? Has using it hindered us or helped us in doing the things we know for sure we are supposed to do for God?
In my case (I’ve been an on-and-off weed user for a bit over a year) I feel conflicted, because I’ve seen it both help and hurt my relationship with the Lord. I’d taken a break from it and felt that limiting my use to only a light amount once a week may be a good balance for me. I do have anxiety disorders and sleep disorders, so the weed is medicinal for me. However, I tend to over use it and depend on it for peace rather than depending on my relationship with the Lord for my ultimate source of peace. That is where my convictions have settled me- using in moderation. I’ve also decided neither to promote or demote weed use publicly, because, again, I believe it’s something that should be decided on a personal basis. I love to talk to people about it if they ask me.
Huge for Crohn’s disease and depression. Don’t forget that god created it
God put it on the earth as a medicine…
Every moving thing that liveth shall be meat for you;
even as the green herb have I given you all things.
~Genesis 9:3
It’s hard to trust Christians judgments on this plant, it’s like none are well informed about it.Or they are straight spilling propaganda from the 50’s or they are just clueless and try to discourage people without being sure why.Yes some abuse it and are addicted to it but it’s such a small number compared to the total number of people using it, unlike with other things like pornography, video games, hard drugs(including strong alcohol) and other definitively addictive substances…Can we have a straight, helpfully and informed answer from anyone?
But then the trajectory for people who drink alcohol is alcoholism. Saying the trajectory of people who smoke pot is all going “inward” thats not a valid reason, just an opinion/thought of urs. Im not a pothead or smoke it, but i have tried it three times and have friends that still do it on a daily basis and they maintain relationships with their spouses, coworkers and friends/family. If ur point on alcohol helps the celebrations and bring community that can also b a trajectory to excessively drkinking/partying and not maintaining real relationships.
Marijuana in my opinion is safer than other drugs fact
If you smoke marijuana and you dont want to get close with god
That means it is not meant to be
.We must be sober.
Marijuana doesn't make you sober
So my opinion is marijuana is not okay
I think it’s from the would be different if it’s man made but it’s literally from the earth
Idk about you, but most Marijuana smokers I know are very social and interactive lol
For all those who try to make justification.
Human will not die because the abstinance of Marijuana, Cigarete, Alcohol, Sex, and sort of things that usually people say that they need it.
People WILL DIE without :
1. FOOD (carbo, protein, fat, calcium, natrium, etc). Junk food is bad ? YES, stay away, Try to eat healthy as much as you can. Even if you face the situation when the only left in this earth is Junk Food and Weed/Cigarete. Junk food will save you, at least for years. Cigarete will not. Junk food still have carbo and protein.
2. WATER (H20).
3. AIR (O2/oxygen), anybody can live with smoke of cigaret only ? Even cigarete need oxygen to make it work.
4. Light (sun)
If you fall and addicted, fight, God gave you the strength that you are not realize yet. Seek Him. Pray. Go to healthy community, pray for you all. God bless you.
I am sorry with my english, i am from third world country 😅
Ok so I know we should obey the laws of the land BUTTTT the constitution of this whole country says we should have FREEDOM OF RELIGION!!! That’s the very first commandment is to have no other God’s before Him…so as long as u ain’t laying around all day on the couch being a stoner and your being a productive Christian person, then it says in genesis that He put everything here for US, I was on benzodiazepines like Xanax Valium and klonopin BEFORE! I start repenting and talking to God as soon as I smoke and it always makes me see the bigger picture, WEED IS NOT A DRUG, it’s not MAN MADEEEEE!!!!!!! Yeah recreational use before you go to church isn’t good, but at night instead of some crazy medicine ITS FINE!!
Care to explain Moses' burning bush? No reason to join a religion if it doesn't accept you.
Two people who obviously have limited knowledge of Cannabis and its uses. GOD SAID I give you EVERY seed bearing plant.
Getting "high" is wrong and there is no justification for it in a biblical sense. Period. CBD is non intoxicating and therefore acceptable.
Weed is a cursed object. Don’t smoke it as it allows for demonic oppression then possession if you don’t sanctify yourself of it. Don’t give into your fleshly desires.
It’s a cursed object. It will open you up for demonic oppression and then possession if you refuse to not sanctify your appetite of it.
Honestly, weed has brought me closer to Christ. The praying, the constant adoration or so I’m trying, learning how to pray to Christ, learning how to be more admirable to Jesus and God. Honestly I think Jesus tried to show me, well did show me, through a song of praising the saints and the angels and Christ.
Salvation is to each individual. Look at the scripture, the relationship between you and god isn't exactly correlated to the Congregation. It says to congregate a commandment but you can't save anyone no matter how good of deeds you do so if you want some time alone to think and maybe meditate because alcohol has 0 medicinal purpose and is far more addictive but people with cancer, anxiety and epilepsy among other things as well use marijuana but it is a plant that is cultivated then harvested and there has been 0 overdoses and its Governmental prohibition turned it to a common street drug when it is more natural then most the food we eat daily if it is high grade. All I am saying God is good and just we can have our opinions and agree to disagree and be civil God bless🙏
But I feel like weed encouraged me to get closer to god ☹️☹️
My prayer life and interest in fellowship with other believers was actually strengthened by weed. I don't know why, but I am more compelled to read and understand God's word and ponder on my relationship when I smoke. I don't think I'd be where I am if I didn't have it around.
They both look high
it's only a sin if you consider it one. i just want to say that i am a functional pot smoker. The sin lies within the interference of our full minds. but it's okay as long as you can still live your life. the second guy to speak talked about how he had never experienced a functional high. well that's how i live my life and i believe i'm doing well.
Anything in moderation is ok, as long as it’s not ruling your life.
Nope… sorry, I doubt you have smoked. The truth is, anytime someone has weed, its shared. Thats the unwritten rule of pot smokers. Sorry, I agree that in terms of use you have to not over do it, but to say you disengage from a community sense it completely goes against the culture around weed.
I have mixed feelings on this topic because weed has helped me get past my social anxieties. And helped me interact with people I love. I'm sure it would be better to not need something. It's good that we are having this discussion
I struggle with this issue because I have pain that has caused me to only be able to work part-time at my business. I'm currently on two pain meds. Severe neck pain and lower back pain. I've been trying to avoid surgery and I want to be healed supernaturally. Being under the influence of cannabis during the day is not something I'm going to do but I'm thinking about using it before I go to bed to kill pain and help me sleep
Yet that guy in blue has tattoos and earrings! Ha doble standard
Idk man I dont feel convicted about smoking weed. So long as it doesnt become an idol or become something you abuse. Also I would say if it's not legal where you are then its wise not to do it. However if you're taking benadryl, tylenol, Nyquil, or even drinking coffee to stimulate your body to feel better then you should also have your opinionated-facts discredited to a certain degree.
I smoke pot and drink every day, and i've come to terms with what i have to fix in my life to quit, but 4:00 is something EVERYBODY should ask themselves. If you do something unhealthy in excess, anything at all, it's because you're not happy with the healthy aspects of your life. There is pure, real joy in following your passions, fixing and maintaining healthy relationships, growing your business/climbing up the ranks at your job, and everything else that produces something positive and enriching to the human experience. There's a hollow joy in getting high or drunk off anything. It's an undeserved joy that you got from sparking a lighter or cracking a can, and you have nothing to show for it despite how good you felt when you were doing it. Do things that have actual results, then you'll actually feel good.
Been smoking for years now I’m 17 I believe in god if one tells you how to believe or think I. God they are not a true believer marijuana woundt of been out here from god if it was bad or disconnecting from the holy spit and you shouldn’t smoke weed to disengage that’s bad weed is meant for positive minded people take that away you are alone I find it amazing to smoke and read scripture somthing about it connects me even deeper I believe theirs nothing wrong with marijuana
Altering the mind, God will shun "anything" that negatively affects any aspect of serving God's Will. I am certain there will be so many amazing new things for our minds in heaven, however i am sure substance abuse on any level is not part of His Plan :p
Starting a Weed smoking Bible study through Zoom
God said it was good. Genesis 1:11
Weed is fine if it's responsibly like alcohol
There was only one tree in the garden that was forbidden.
Are people in the comments not reading the title??? This video talks About recreational use, not medical use. Marijuana is medicine. Smoking Marijuana recreationally is taking medicine when you aren't sick. That doesn't seem right.
TLDR: Don't abuse either and you're fine to enjoy it. Alcohol is given a pass until it's obvious Suzie has a problem but I smoke and i'm automatically trying to run from something by just asking the question? Cannabis gets the same danger messaging as Alcohol with none of the data that alcohol has and yet we'll have an intervention on cannabis day one but alcohol can beat his wife twice first. Not fair.
It's an assumption to say that someone that smokes is doing so to distance themselves or is "running from something." Cannabis traditionally has been used by all kinds of cultures for religious enlightenment as well as for celebratory reasons to match the same reasons alcohol is consumed today. Communion is taken with wine in certain Christian circles. So I understand the argument for alcohol V. weed from the celebration aspects and they're right that cannabis has a P.R voice of "Individualism". There's a reason for that and you can thank the laws that vilified it.
If we're going to talk wisdom, let's set the stage for it. If I had an alcohol drinker and a cannabis smoker come to me asking the same question of "Is this ok?" I'd say one thing: Good judgement dictates the use; the definition of Wisdom Is basically be smart about it.
This rolls into Abuse discussions. To the alcohol drinker, if there was a physical problem with it (They come to church stumbling, their wife/husband/partner is saying it's an issue, they've become aggressive) then I'd ask them about wisdom and if drinking is a smart thing to do given where they're at. I'd ask the question of "What are you running from or what pain are you trying to mask?" at that time because it's obvious wisdom is not being applied.
To assume that cannabis use by default warrants a level of wisdom before it can be used even though there's no physical data supporting the dangers on the level of alcohol or even personal data as a pastor in this case that shows the cannabis user clearly not applying wisdom to it's use is in my opinion at the least not fair and at the worse disingenuous.
What I'm saying is that there's an "allowance" through tolerance that's given to alcohol even though the numbers show the deaths, abuse, the sheer darkness around alcoholism support proper wisdom being applied but cannabis is given the same P.R with no data to back it up and must be given the same wisdom by just asking the question of "Is smoking weed ok?" and yet you haven't smoked and beat your kids at all…..
but the alcohol will be tolerated after damage is clear and obvious so if that's the case…..shouldn't "Wisdom" be applied more to alcohol than cannabis?
To say that Cannabis is by default a withdraw from society experience: There are a TON of saaaaad people drinking their life away alone because of trauma. To say Alcohol is by default done in a celebratory way biblically at least: There are plenty of people that smoke in groups and pass blunts around together, talking about things, joking, ect. The way it's been done for thousands of years.
If they're hurting themselves or others physically, financially or phycologically, i'd say DRINKING is not wise.
If they're doing the same things with weed (smoking AALLL day, stealing their kids Switch to sell and buy more ect.) Id say SMOKING is not wise.
But to run Cannabis use through the "Is it wise" filter JUST BECAUSE it's cannabis……just doesn't seem fair given alcohol's track record so far and can only be defined as political reasons to vilify the plant.
All in all, the argument is about Wisdom: Is it a smart thing to do? What I'd say: I'd apply the same filter equally.
"If you're drinking(smoking) with friends or a beer(joint) at home alone, If you manage it and don't over indulge, if you don't drive a car while on it or show up to worship rehearsal influenced by it, if you apply wisdom through knowing the effects and applying sound judgement on how that can affect you, then drinking alcohol(smoking cannabis) is in my opinion OK and a personal decision one can make on their own."
I would want to guide someone in discovering that wisdom. Knowing what cannabis IS and IS NOT. what it can do to you as well as what it can do FOR you. Personally speaking alcohol doesn't even have a "what it can do for you" listing that I'm aware of and yet Suzie can walk into church noddin off reeking of vodka and the whole congregation will be button lipped about it until she tries to drive home and Its and OBVIOUS problem. Cannabis however must have his keys taken away by simply asking the pastor "is this ok." and we wonder why the people that use it are so ashamed of it WITHOUT having to run someone over……it doesn't make sense.
We're not even talking about the medical uses here. I understand their views and respect them. But on the merits of what I explained I'd have to disagree. If an adult in my hypothetical church came to me and asked about it?
"Well… long as you don't abuse it, show up to church on it, and can manage it like an adult…go smoke brother/sister." You know, the same thing i'd tell an alcohol drinker?
How would you guys rate kratom