Recycling Super Soil When Growing Cannabis & more Gardening Q&A

After watching this episode, you will learn John’s answers to these questions, and probably learn a few things along the way as well. 03:13 You Don’t cover your …

34 responses to “Recycling Super Soil When Growing Cannabis & more Gardening Q&A”

  1. I love your videos and I appreciate you sharing your knowledge and experiences. What I've found that works best for container growing, is to have something growing in them year round. I also like to use cover crops(clover)to protect the soil from the sun, and provide plant exudates from roots to feed the soil biology. In addition, if I'm only going to grow certain plants in certain containers in the spring, then I use several dry amendments to to dress the entire surface of the pot and use my hands to gently mix and water. I never till. This creates a nice humus and nice rich soil full of microbes. I have also used arborist woodchips that have been breaking down and use them to cover the soil. I add Eisenia Fetida worms before the wood chips and have had great results. I also found that the bigger the pot the better the results. I've done this with all types of pots, but now the smallest pots I use are 30 gal Smart Pots only because I have them. Go with the biggest pots that can fit in an area. Now I use nothing less than 100-400 gal Smart Pots. If I had the room I would use 1000 gal Smart Pots. I also learned that soil is expensive, so if one chooses they can fold the Smart Pot sides down halfway or more and add more soil each season until its full.

  2. I take in donated soil from legal growers. Most of them use synthetic nutes and salts. I’m trying to figure out how to leach out their chems and rejuvenate the soil for organic vegetable production. Inputs I have available are mass amounts of sawdust, rabbit, chicken, horse manure, worm castings and cow manure. I’m hoping to break up the root balls and let the Winter rains leach out the salts. Then I’d like to heat up the soil by adding to a compost pile to kill mites and aphids. I know they have problems with white powder mildew not sure how to get that out of the soil. They bring me about 5 yards per month of used fox farm ocean forest.

  3. get your ''brix'' up,,,add ''de'' also for silica(strong cell walls),and make sure plants have enough calcium uptake….a strong healthy plant is not seen as a likely food source. # i have thousands of g' hoppers every year-they eat very very little. molds can't establish either.

  4. never thought i would see the day where you talked about cannabis lol!love your channel bud i subbed!!Stop on over to my channel east coast mass legal cannabis grower of 25 years!

  5. John ,do you think a 250-300 watt cfl is strong enough to keep my Meyer lemon tree growing in winter indoor Phila.Pa.Area? Had 125 watt but kept them most of winter but not all 😢,lost all💔.Hoping you think it will help?

  6. I buy the cheapest soil I can find to be honest. Mostly I go to Lowes and get a 2 cu. ft. bag of composted particle board material for like $2 then I take it home and add perlite and peat moss in equal parts then I add 1 cup of Limestone for each cu. ft. of soil I have mixed. The only thing I feed my plants their entire life is Kelp and/or Azomite dust. And I only feed my plants once and that is when I mix my soil..

  7. I've got a question, how often after the initial mix of super soil do you want to remix while it is cooking? Do you leave it alone for a monh or two, mix it every week or every day? I've had a mix of opinions no pun intended of some telling me if you keep mixing the soil you break up the reation, some telling me you need to mix it weekly so the good bacteria can spread around causing the reaction. Much help is appreciated!

  8. how did i miss a supersoil episode!? i make supersoil and taught some friends who have taken the recipe had it tested and adjusted it using locally sourced material when possible..Alaskan organic simple soil is their company

  9. An idea for anyone that gardens with potters. Recycle the soil in a compost tumbler. Add it in with everything else and you will end up with better soil in a month or two then you originally purchased.

  10. I love your videos, this is probably the 5th or 6th one i have watched just from searching for questions Ive had.  Im a total noob at gardening in general and really trying to get my organic knowledge going. thank you for the videos!

  11. you don't realy need all these fancy soils and chemicals, or even store bought organic soil. just throw a large plastic bag in your backpack and pack some lunch and go for a hike. when you find a dead rotten tree, hopefully with some blackness on it, which means its far into the decomposing process, take back as much of the soil underneath it as you can and use that, its realy good stuff and the plants will love it.
    just make sure its not full of clay tho, the roots will have a hard time penetrating it.

  12. I use a super soil mix for first time and am wondering if u are able to flush still do castings and nutrients in soil goaway by the time it is to flush?

  13. OMG great question to answer! You should totally recycle nitrogen-rich cannabis soil. Just rotate in 1-2 veggies grown in full sun, reuse same soil for cannabis a few seasons later

  14. You can also talk to farmers that live in your area and they'll be more than happy to let you use some of their land that's not being used to grow some veggies ect and in turn all they ask for is some veggies that you do grow which is a great trade off!  I know a lot of people that do this around South Dakota.  I'm sure you can do it just about anywhere in the US!

  15. You are by far one of the most inspiring and wonderfully intelligent people I have ever had the pleasure of coming Across
    Very very DOPE!!!!!!!!!
    Thank you for your passion and compassion for FRUIT and veg!!!!!

  16. john, ty for the video, i transplanted a wisteria from one house to another/hubby tore it out;cleaning; i replanted immediately & it didn't bloom for four years, finally started blooming-yes, it 'was' stressed. It's doing great now!! I always throw my old soil from pots into the garden area. Yes, you are right!!

  17. you've really become a lazy  disease of the world since you started smoking so much pot. You are burnt out and your videos are getting worse and worse. Move on  and stop pretending, your passion is clearly in something else. I am unsubscribing and starting a campaign to get lots of people to unsubscribe from you as well.

  18. John didn't touch on the super soil very much. You can absolutely re-use a thermophyllic "super" soil many times. Any heavy feeding annual, including cannabis, will use a great deal of the surplus nutrients up in the 1st run, then the soil can be repurposed as a base soil or as an garden soil amendment. The one rule of thumb is not to use as a seedling starter since they are more sensitive to high N.

  19. John you need to also suggest a cover crop for reusing soil…  its easy and fixes nitrogen in the soil so your next spring crop will be ready to go… 

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