Griffith Speaks In Favor Of Medical Marijuana Research Act

Congressman Morgan Griffith (R-VA) speaks on the House floor in favor of H.R. 3797, the Medical Marijuana Research Act, which he cosponsored.

3 responses to “Griffith Speaks In Favor Of Medical Marijuana Research Act”

  1. Morgan Griffith' behavior in the night from the 6th to the 7th of January is more suitable for a bar, not so much for the House of Representatives. In one word: rude.

  2. "The Damage Done" – Extended Remix : Needle and the Damage Done by Neil Young
    I've seen the drug war and the damage done
    On our young daughters and poor sons
    It seems Emancipation not for all
    not all , The damage done

    I saw them no-knocking on a cellar door
    SWAT locked and loaded ready for war
    Killing our children's for them a daily chore ,
    Please no more , The Damage done

    The drug war made this country very ill
    Gave us OxyContin and that Fentanyl
    The working class is how the graveyards fill , so still
    the damage done

    Those in chronic pain will get no help
    For them the pain meds stay up on the shelf
    This war on drugs become this holocaust
    A Nation that's lost the final cost

    That drugs are bad for you is probably true
    Without them they'll use another ruse to come for you
    We all suffer for the privileged few
    Ooh , ooh . Ooh !

    I sing this story because I loved this man
    I know that some of you wont understand
    That People of color have a right to live and prosper too
    In this land
    I've seen the drug war and the damage done , a little part of it in everyone
    Every injustice is like a setting sun

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