How To Make Cannabis Oil Capsules with Rob Ruckus

A quick easy way to capsule cannabis oil with coconut oil. And an explanation of why.

28 responses to “How To Make Cannabis Oil Capsules with Rob Ruckus”

  1. I have GERD and Esophagitis , I was wondering if I can take these capsules ? I’m not able to smoke or intake any large fatty food, sugar , alcohol or anything that’ll increase acid in my stomach. But I really miss getting high

  2. Great vid and thanks .my son has ulcerative colitis . I have access to rso and that . Have you any info regarding dose for supository , ratio , or any other info you may have thanks mate

  3. Great video, thanks for the advice. I live in a state where marijuana is illegal. How do I get my hands on some good quality cannabis oil? I'm willing to drive or fly to where ever I need to go to get it. My wife has been diagnosed with stage four lung cancer and I'm willing to do whatever I can to help her.

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