Hermie Weed Plant! – Hermaphrodite Cannabis – Indoor Gardening Grow Vlog

Most plants are doing pretty good this week. Although, I do now have a hermie weed plant – hermaphrodite cannabis. I talk about that in this indoor gardening …

31 responses to “Hermie Weed Plant! – Hermaphrodite Cannabis – Indoor Gardening Grow Vlog”

  1. Is it possible that leaving a female showing sex for to long in veg is what causes a hermy? I'm thinking shes left showing sex, horny asf for so long that it just grows balls to please itself when it gets its rush of hormones from the light switch. She was confused for too long… Bro science? Or I'm too FaDed.

  2. Can you pluck the seeds off before they get big, I only found a couple? Do you think it will still continue to grow seeds or should I trash it. Only found 2 but its the second week flwr!

  3. I've been working on a plant for months now, it was gonna be my big kahuna, but after 11 days in flower, im starting to see some signs of being a true hermie as well. She first threw out the normal female calyx towards the lower parts of the branches but the new growth is starting to show signs of early pollen sacs but it's still a little early to tell. And I don't have anywhere to put it to still grow it out as I still have it in with my week 7 lady

  4. I’m growing my first true hermie, I moved him outside because of my lack of space. My main reason is for medical smoke. And I was told the seeds should be 95% feminine seeds.

  5. Had that happen a couple times not often though been growing since 2017 legally must have been the environment that they were in I might have overcrowded them now I spread them out more and I have better luck or maybe fed too much I'm down to and economical feed now where they get just enough and they like it have a good day

  6. Anybody eles seen Green Genes Garden on YouTube and his fake light leak videos he making for the community , to cover up LokiGro genetics full on hermi and finicky seed pod producing genetic BananaSplit that are being sold for 100 dollars a pack by LokiGro genetics BananaSplit , they made a video to cover it all up , I was one of the testers as well and it was true 5 outta 7 people with harcore hermis and pods includung myself , 2 seed pods on 2 of them and one full on hermi and hes still breeding and crossing and selling the genetics , I couldnt belive Green Gene would sell out to cover up for that LokiGro in New York City . Its sad , Mr Grow It your videos and documentrys are better then thiers by far and you are soul and passion growing , not for the wrong reasons , thank u .

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