CP OD's on CBD with THC – YMH Highlight

Tom Segura and Christina P recap their disastrous family Christmas party. Christina also discusses her CBD mishap. Tom then recounts his recent taping of Bert …

31 responses to “CP OD's on CBD with THC – YMH Highlight”

  1. Welcome to average peopleā€™s daily lives. My mom deals with the same thing and doesnā€™t need Xanax or therapy, she is strong directly BECAUSE of what Tom and Christina are calling a ā€œnightmareā€. ā€œOmg I was so stressed outā€ you realize this is laughable when thinking about the fact that were in a global pandemic with people fucking dying everyday and she thinks a wine glass spilling is worthy of therapy and a Xanax. Not the best message for people. I hate how Christina has this idea in her head that she is the standard, anything different from her must be ā€œdamagedā€ or ā€œbrokenā€. Every time someone talks personally, she turns into a psychiatrist. Then proceeds to project her own problems onto other people and analyze their behavior based on her own issues. ā€œYour angry arenā€™t you?ā€. Itā€™s getting harder and harder to relate to Christina because everything in her life is based on a base line that is wayyy above the average person, but she still thinks she is just your average mom. She is becoming Garth brooks to me. And

  2. Just gotta go with the flow. The more you fight it, the harder it hits you. My generations acid sucked. But man, where I'm at in Canada…we have some amazing zoomers. I guarantee Canada is the best place to take Mushrooms.

  3. Christina you need a little bit of THC in the product because it needs to activate the CBD. Since you donā€™t want to get high just make sure itā€™s a small amount of THC and you wonā€™t. So any CBD product you buy, make sure it has a small dose of THC. ONE!

  4. I've had that fractal vision before, and I ended up in the hospital the next day with a heart attack from an ecstasy overdose at 21 years old. Scary shit.

  5. In laws are hell on earth. Especially when they constantly act like their little angel is too good for you. My mother in law can't resist talking about how great my wife's ex is. "He's such a great guy!" "He's such a great dad!" Etc.. if she could only read my fucking mind I'm sure she would never come back šŸ˜† šŸ¤£ So, I'll just settle for drinking in the meantime until I inevitably lose my shit one day and talk some serious shit!

  6. Cbd causes wake promotion at doses less than 150mg. Doses above 300mg cause sedation. But Iā€™m really here to preach as Common sense tells me to HOLD on to my GME stock, fuck those hedge funds! Hold the line. And buy. Buy buy buy

  7. I got so high once I thought I kept forgetting to breathe so I actually went downstairs and lie with my dog and would take a breathe when he did, calmed down enough to fall asleep which is where my mom found me next morning. Thanks CHIPS you was the best wingman

  8. I smoked weed for 3-4 years everyday before any negative effects happened, but around a year ago it felt like i was having a stroke too. Half of my body went numb, and I could barely breath (panic attack, im sure). It went very very scary. It was absolutely the worst experience, and I've had bad trips from acid

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