Ireland to Propose Cannabis Legalization Legislation in 2021

Ireland to Propose Cannabis Legalization Legislation in 2021 Subscribe to my Other YouTube Channels: Lets Talk Cannabis LMC: …

10 responses to “Ireland to Propose Cannabis Legalization Legislation in 2021”

  1. Will definitely boost economy I think more and more country’s will legalise it not that they care but for economic reasons. The morons the made it a crime and probably caused loads of deaths by prison exc , well he can rot now

  2. Ireland is in the EU, the UK isnt anymore. Northern ireland is its own country and part of the UK.

    You are correct that legalisation in Ireland would help the UK.

    The problem is that its legal all over the EU with lots of versions of the law. Yet here in Ireland, the 'Mo5hera against Fun' loby group is still super powerful and the anxiety levela due to covid means they are only looking for an enemy to unload their frustrations on.

    And the young are public enemy No1 right now.

    Still, a shitty no-influence party making a geature is better than nothing.

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