My Experience with Marijuana and Schizophrenia

In this video, I talk about the recent legalization here in Canada of marijuana, and the studied impacts of marijuana use on schizophrenia and psychosis.

40 responses to “My Experience with Marijuana and Schizophrenia”

  1. Ppl if your paranoid from weed…it's the weed, ok? If your paranoid with or without weed it's LIKELY maybe schizophrenia? lol….I found my whole fiasco is worse with alcohol, TV, raido, tobaco cigarettes…..

    I wouldn't suddenly become paraoind with weed cause I am always paranoid….im a paranoid schizophrenic….so I'm always paranoid I just learned how to turn it off, how to ignore it how to not care or I think logically and try to catch and discern delusions so a paranoid schizo… I don't see how weed could make me worse then I ready am but then again guys maybe it would turn me into a paranoid schizophrenic catatonic🤪with my tongue out and all…just vegetatin🍁

  2. Psychiatrist asks schizophrenic patients: have you ever used marijuana?

    Schizophrenic patient: yes I have

    Psychiatrist: EUREKA! There's a link between marijuana use and an increased risk of developing schiozophrenia….

    I think alot of people are Kind of failing to see THAT; everyone has done marijuana, most arent and most don't, develop schizophrenia….makes me think this is more hereditary

    I'd like to know what ridiculous study this is, that's being sited in this YouTube video.
    ..I don't see how "marijuana has an increased risk of people developing schizophrenia" what control group was set up of people who scientists KNEW WOULD LIKELY develop schizophrenia from smoking or ingesting weed but they never did and alas never developed schizophrenia n vice versa??? It is an absuridty n its impossible to research and quantify such a study….


    98% of Americans have tried weed
    2%of Americans have schizophrenia

    Where's connection? Sure almost if not all schizophrenics have smoked weed but almost all if not all Americans have smoked wee

    ..seems to me researchers we're either stupid or bias

    seems to me they didn't take into account the 222,2472,284 Americans who have smoked weed AND NOT DEVELOPED schizophrenia

    if weed made you an increased risk of developing schizophrenia wouldn't like 35-40% of Americans have schizophrenia?
    and then there is strain of weed ingestion method so it's impossible study impossible

    How do we know this study what bonafide sources are there? FACT We don't know what causes schizophrenia….is it hereditary? Drug induced? No one knows most reputable people theorize it's hereditary…maybe schizophrenia ain't even schizophreina maybe it's early Huntington chorea or Parkinson's

  3. I'm a big fan of the drug, but I'd honestly never recommend it to anyone. It's so easy to overuse and it ended up in me getting depression for months. I had no personality and everything felt like that one south park episode where Stan saw everything as if it was actual shit. There was no motivation to do anything and I treated my friends poorly.
    So I don't want to be part of someone's mishaps.

  4. I had a weed induced psychotic episode today. The drugs out of my system but I'm really scared and know i will be for a couple days. Till I re- associate. I feel like I neeeed to be around people

  5. I have been diagnosed with schizophrenia and refuse to take psych meds. I do self medicate with marijuana. While most people with schizophrenia seem to go through psychosis, weed seems to calm me down, calms down the voices, but more importantly, calms down my paranoia. I have noticed that over time my mind is deteriorating, however weed definitely helps. But, all that shows is that there are outliers and maybe it depends on the person.

  6. Marijuana psychosis is very real, at least for me. I felt as though certain groups of people (Christians, or blue collars) were out to convert or teach me a lesson. When smoking daily I also developed a morbid fascination for 4chan, which my deluded self thought was the epitome of Internet free speach. I then proceeded to post all kinds of idiotic stuff on my Facebook page, which I still regret today because it made me look crazy to all the people I know.

  7. this was s great topic. i have bipolar disorder and fibromyalgia. I don't smoke, only vaping, powder, and edibles (still weed lol). if your doctor says it's ok to try, like you said, have friends around and set yourself up for a positive experience. I try to keep the intake at the minimal, but it's really the fibromyalgia that i need it for. it's one of the few things i have going for me that make a difference.

  8. I’m physco effective and when I smoke just one hit I’m full blown I think I’m in hell and I hear shit and felt a demon attack me when not high I’m nothing like that only a tiny portion my grandma is full blow and that’s how she is 24/7

  9. I Know somebody that has schizophrenia and she smokes at least every hour or two and starts talking to herself and laughing at nothing or will keep making a strange noise etc

  10. Na just wait till your thricromes Amber or. Brown… If you rip it when they clear an milk your gonna get anxiety etc. Need to grow it properly and treat it properly.

  11. 3 puffs is enough for me… more than 3 puffs then im extremely paranoid and jumpy.
    More than 3 puffs …I feel EXTREMELY depressed, like im going to die and Im EXTREMELY sad!

  12. Cannabis opens portals into other dimensions that's why you would hear voices and see things and anyone who is already Ultra psychic will tap into these energies even more profoundly cannabis doesn't cause anything it is an opening to something most people are not aware of this especially people who have been convinced that mental illness exists when mental illness is really just psychic abilities that man and science don't want the tap into spirituality so they tell you there's something wrong so they can have dominance over us

  13. I used to love getting high. Now it makes me anxious. I developed a panic/anxiety disorder of some kind a few years ago which I've thankfully been able to negate by taking magnesium and meditating, but I still get paranoid when i smoke, unless im inebriated. When I'm hungover, I feel super anxious, bordering on psychosis. Racing thoughts, dissasociation, depression, existential feelings, etc. It's not very much fun.

  14. I use to smoke weed constantly then out of no where i felt like i was having a panic attack every time i smoked it. It was awful. I loved weed and then i couldnt do it anymore buttttt i did figure out one way i could enjoy it tts the only way for some reason i can smoke it all day and enjoy it. One day i was sick with like the flu just felt like i was dying so i was like fuck it im smoking some weed and when i did no panic attacks no awful thoughts no paranoia. So thats when i learned that whenever im sick i can smoke it no problem. Does anyone else have the same effect?

  15. See i was mentally ill from about 5 up but about my 20's it got real bad.. drugs set it off alot but marijuana has for me at least i went through some real bad things and started smoking here and there…but at 16 I smoked alot..and had outbursts but not like it is when I dont smoke..its complicated…I can see how you get a different view of reality but I knew nothing of mental illness i just got called an asshole alot…and freak…but weed just allowed me to control my reactions to messed up things and street life…im just getting to understand me finally because of these…but as of recently its been really off the wall..I shot myself in the head with a large caliber and lived with very little to show but clear schizophrenia so they say and a bullet in the back at the base somehow. Oden I guess wasn't ready…anyway honestly least crazy thing I've done….no Bueno…but marijuana works a little better now…I think with the disorder you already Have a certain perspective of life and smoking introduces another…I was familiar with it long before the much more stressful manic as hell for just a bit reality i am thrust into fully atm…but as a general rule…..drugs are bad….mmmm k👌

  16. wow, this channel has taught me so much about this illness. it's weird because everyone's body reacts differently to certain things. I don't suffer from schizophrenia, but my friend does and he smokes marijuana daily. I haven't ever asked him if it triggers him or not, but when we smoke together he seems to be normal. when we smoke we usually play super smash bros. so I'm still having trouble understanding. it's very interesting though, and my heart goes out to anyone with this disorder. we're all human, remember that.

  17. i almost always get psychosis when i smoke. the more i smoke, the stronger the psychosis is. i get extremely strong and painful tactile hallucinations (does anyone else get these painful sensations???) as well as some visual and auditory hallucinations. The strongest symptom for me is depersonlization. Whenever im high with people, my experiences seem so much stronger than theirs. I also get very delusional on the come down. I experience psychosis when I'm sober as well, but I'm almost positive that marijuana makes it worse in the long term.

  18. I'm glad you shared this, I was recently diagnosed with schizophrenia and I've been smoking regularly for 7yrs. Everything that has happened in the past 2yrs and with my added TBI 4yrs ago this all makes perfect sense now. Thank you.

  19. I was diagnosed with schizophrenia at 13 shortly after I got high for the very first time. I'm 17 now. My doctor refuses to give me medication because of my age. I truly believe marijuana triggered my diagnosis. I still smoke till this day, every day. I've had some of my worst episodes while high, but most of the time I actually feel that it calms me down. It helps me come back to reality and feel less crazy and disorganized. Most times, it helps me cope.

  20. Cannabis was definitely a primary cause of my psychotic episodes. It can be so great for some people's brains…wish I was one of them because of all the benefits but it's just not worth the risk.

  21. When I was diagnosed, I was diagnosed with disorganized schizophrenia aka hebephrenia. I've smoked before and used to be an everyday smoker and even for a month or two did nothing but dabs. I've been off my meds for a while including then and my symptoms didn't increase in intensity, no psychosis, or have negative symptoms from it in general. My pain was gone too. Since I've stopped smoking my symptoms have been worse and my place is a disaster zone. It's not legal in the state I am in and I have no connects. Wish I did. I'd be better off with it.

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