Sunflora CBD Oil dropper issue (SUNMED) February 25, 2021 admin CBD 5 A visual of the issue I am having with the dropper of my CBD Oil product from Sunflora.
It's better to use a 1ml(1cc) sterile syringe instead because it allows you to more accurately dose. A box of 100 is about $12 on Amazon, your local pharmacy should also sell them as well. Reply
How are the gummies?
It's better to use a 1ml(1cc) sterile syringe instead because it allows you to more accurately dose. A box of 100 is about $12 on Amazon, your local pharmacy should also sell them as well.
Beside the dropper being all jacked up, how does the product?
I paid $40
Arthritis, bi God you're only 28 years of age !!!