5 mistakes new Growers make. Growing cannabis.

5 mistakes and problems new Growers run into there is many more but this is a good start. Fox farm soil link. Ph pen link.

35 responses to “5 mistakes new Growers make. Growing cannabis.”

  1. Farming is farming… There is ups and downs no matter how much experience you have but it smooths out over time. The key is keep trying. One failed crop should not detour you. You never stop learning.

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  3. Hello thank you for the video. I'm a new grower and have a question. I'll be growing autos in my first indoor grow room. Is fox farm happy frog too hot for seedlings? Or would I be fine to germinate in it? Should I add a less hot mix with it along with some perlite?? Thank you in advance if you do respond. 😎

  4. So im just starting my first grow and have made a few mistakes allready. You are correct on all your points. I feel like my biggest mistake has been the feeding aspect. If i start with an all organic pre fertilized soil for indoors. Do i water. When do i add the food? How do i know? How much do i water? Its confusing probably until you do it right. A Video of the whole watering/ feeding process would be amazing. Ty for the videos!!

  5. Hi. Thanks for all the videos u put up on here. Im new to the growing dont really kno much or have much i just got a few pots going nothing extra but will love to have help because i kno i did something wrong so by chance do u have a video with step by step for new or beginners

  6. Hey buddy how's it going I did my first indoor autoflower grow blackberry hush,, let's just say I ran into a couple issues!!! I was using oceanforest soil so I just feed them ph water at 6-0 6-5 for about 3 to 4 weeks well anyways they veged pretty good but they never started to flower and I was 8 weeks in!!! Im using general hydroponic flora trio nutes should I follow there feeding schedule I was told that autoflowers are finicky so I didn't follow there schedule and help would be appreciated????? 🙏🙏🙏

  7. I am a Beginning grower and I was listening to what you were saying I made my first mistake I got multiple Plants the babies now so I’ll be reaching out to you in days coming for help!!!!!! Lol

  8. I am a very new grower and that I literally found one seed stuck it in some dirt and it has grown absolutely beautifully without me doing that much to it. I’m about to transplant it into a 5 gallon bucket with really good soil but I should probably start doing stuff to it. How would I go about checking the PH and what to do about it if it’s off? I assume there’s probably 100 videos on it I’ll check. But thank you great video

  9. Iam new Grower,Can you get a decent quality with using fox farm ocean forest soil to get thru the veg state ?? iam a lil Intimidated to start mixing neuts
    I started with clones that were already 2-3 weeks into veg

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