3 Pros and 3 Cons of Using Vape Pens to Smoke Marijuana

Every marijuana consumer has his or her preferred way of ingesting cannabis whether is be a joint, pipe, bong, vape, or edible. Vape pens are a portable and …

44 responses to “3 Pros and 3 Cons of Using Vape Pens to Smoke Marijuana”

  1. When I use pens they fuck my throat up… with bud or wax I get a layer of tar around my throat but when I vape a lot of weed it’s like a vapor tar in my throat and hurts more

  2. I don't like them. No matter how reputable or well reviewed the brand I get, they give a fucked up kinda heartburn that nothing else gives me. Plus the high dorsnt last long and prolonged use will put your tolerance through the roof. Pretty soon you'll be smokin all day long but never being high. I prefer sauces, shatters, and other types of concentrates.

  3. Vape pens kill your tolerance because you're able to constantly smoke it without anyone noticing but weed forces you to smoke in perfect settings away from people who you wouldn't want in your life to know or see you smoke weed

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