3 Pros and 3 Cons of Smoking Weed with a Pipe

Every marijuana consumer has a preference for how they like to consume their cannabis. Some users enjoy smoking a classic joint because they’re portable …

50 responses to “3 Pros and 3 Cons of Smoking Weed with a Pipe”

  1. when i did smoke, I've preferred glass. One reason is cleaner hits. Easier to control the smoke than a joint/blunt using the carb and fresh air, so over all more enjoyable hits. I could take a full lung hit on a bowl because i could taper off the smoke at the end. With a blunt, i could take long slow drags but the drags had to be longer, depending on the casing it can be too brittle or too damp or easily collects moisture at the end making it harder to hit, adjusting the hole plus constant ashing. Yes bowls require ashing but after several hits and there's no left overs unlike roaches which are fairly common. Bowls are rather easy to clean, i would get tongs and hold it under steaming hot water, let it air out then use alcohol and salt to do a follow up to get rid of any resin smell, would be brand new. There is also the major fact of bowls just require packing and lighting. Blunts/joints need rolling and that can sometimes fuck up.

    I agree with some that i don't see how bowls are expensive. The ones I got were rather unique in shape, had a variety of them only because they were so cheap. I'd honestly be out somewhere, remember that i have to clean the bowl, would say fuck it and just stop at a headshop to pick up one for about $15 at most for a good one. After several uses it pays for itself and adds to the collection (have given it to a friend long ago).

  2. I am a newbie so I've been experimenting with different methods of consumption. I've tried edibles, vaping, and smoking. By far I like smoking the best but more importantly smoking from a bowl or pipe. I can control my intake and take my time. Also they are freaking cool pieces of art. I am in love with pipes ❤️.

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