Month: February 2021

cbd dog seizures
CBDPet products are trusted by thousands of health-conscious pet owners every year. You’re getting a dynamic plant-based health & vitality supplement backed …

CBD Oil for Dogs, Cats, Pets – What are the Benefits? Treating Anxiety, Pain, Inflammation, Seizures
HOW CAN CBD HELP MY PET? Cannabidiol (CBD) has been shown to provide similar benefits for animals as it does for humans. Pets have an …

Attend the 2020 Organic Regenerative Cannabis Cultivation Conference!
This winter, the Science of Organic Regenerative Cannabis Cultivation Conference will tour from the west coast to the east coast. This educational gathering of …

Utah Has Medical Cannabis: How Medical Marijuana Works In Utah | Utah in the Weeds Episode #1
Marijuana has a history of being demonized. From social stigma around anything marijuana-related to fears of marijuana use leading to heroin addiction, many …

Buddhist Views on Marijuana: Intoxicant vs. Medicine
1:28 Medicinal Uses Yeah, you put away your cellphone, your laptop, and you give yourself that space just to be with yourself. Whereas, I use marijuana …