2020 Daily Trail Markers: Senator Bernie Sanders rolls out new marijuana legalization policy

At 4:20 p.m. Eastern on Thursday, Senator Bernie Sanders of Vermont rolled out an ambitious new plan to legalize marijuana. If elected president, Sanders …

36 responses to “2020 Daily Trail Markers: Senator Bernie Sanders rolls out new marijuana legalization policy”

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  2. Why make Marijuana legal? *Critical to know* Who i sDr Raphael Mechoulam  how the "Endocannabinoid System was discovered in the 1990's and how THC was isolated. https://www.youtube.com/watch?time_continue=275&v=QWw9Yl_mz6g
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  3. If I want to go outside and smoke a j and then go in my house and work out or read a book 1. who the F am I hurting? And 2. Who the F is the government to tell me I can't?

  4. The war on drugs (weed) has ruined the lives of countless Americans. Isn't it time to stop locking up our own citizens for a victimless crime?? Take it from me, I was in college and was jailed for a month for less than a gram of weed. Now I've finished college (with honors) and I cant get a solid job. Where is the justice? Well they took my money alright. It's a business now, and its disgusting. Bernie plans to change that, Biden wants to turn the industry over to big pharma which is good short term, but not long term. Before you vote, think about this issue simply, should we lock our citizens up over a law that was passed over 50 years ago with the intent to target minorities. Imagine that you, a hard working tax paying citizen, being put in jail with criminals and being treated like trash by the police because you smoked a plant. Sanders 2020, vote for change.

  5. Bernie forgot to visit the emergency rooms where you can see first hand the devastation that marijuana is doing to people. He's an idiot who didn't do his homework.

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