10 Interesting Facts About Marijuana

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24 responses to “10 Interesting Facts About Marijuana”

  1. Idk about anyone else but I would remember long long lost childhood memories and things while smoking. Wonderful things in my past randomly. I remembered the words to a song out of the blue smoking. Note this is a song I was trying to look for and hunt down for 13 years of my life and only remembered the melody a little. I just started singing the chorus while I was packing a second bowl and I was like wait a min, omg! And searched it in right away. 😂😂 Lol also It gets me more motivated to eat better and cook and get things done in my day cause usually I'm pretty lazy. Lol If I'm overwhelmed it helps calms the panic and just let's me realize, everything is ok and really get a clear perspective on situations and even see them in other points of views. Idk sometimes I have my lazy moments but depends on the type. It's almost cured my anxiety/social anxiety. I can actually talk to people now! Even when I'm not high now like it helped me get over my internal struggles long term. Overall has made me a more happy and positive person. I've never ever thought of doing anything stupid or dangerous while smoking but I've threatened to punch my best friend in the face and was going to if she persuded farther while I was drunk before and I'm not violent at all! That's not me. High, I'm still myself. So much safer! Nothing but positivity and benefits. Really I think alcohol should be illegal and weed legalized but that's just me. Thanks for the video Jacklyn. I know it's been here for a while but still relevant. 😊

  2. so.. tobacco is more dangerous than marijuana.. it seems to me that the government outlawed it just because you can get high from it.

  3. I hate to break it to some people, but SMOKING marijuana is cancerous and harmful to your lungs. Period. Smoke is smoke, doesn't matter where it comes from. It is however less harmful than cigarette smoke.

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